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Taboo (U.S. History Style) WWI thru WWII. Red Scare Communism Socialism Russia Fear.

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Presentation on theme: "Taboo (U.S. History Style) WWI thru WWII. Red Scare Communism Socialism Russia Fear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taboo (U.S. History Style) WWI thru WWII

2 Red Scare Communism Socialism Russia Fear

3 Isolationism War League of Nations Woodrow Wilson Stay Out

4 Lusitania Ship Sink WWI Cruise

5 Zimmerman Telegram Note Mexico land Intercepted

6 U-boat Unrestricted Germany Submarine war

7 Assembly Line Henry Ford Cars Machines Automobiles

8 Great Migration African Americans North South move

9 Harlem Renaissance African Americans Arts Langston Hughes Movement

10 19 th Amendment Women’s suffrage Iron Jawed Angels Vote Seneca Falls

11 Tin Pan Alley Irving Berlin New York City God Bless America Music

12 Fourteen Points War Woodrow Wilson League of Nations Peace

13 Radio Music Invention Soap Opera Antenna

14 Movie Theater Motion Picture The Jazz Singer Video

15 League of Nations United Nations Senate Woodrow Wilson

16 18 th Amendment Prohibition Alcohol Moonshine drink

17 Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance Poetry Literature African American

18 Espionage Act Spy Government Protest War

19 Eugene Debs Communism Red Scare Jail Socialism

20 Henry Ford Car Automobile Drive

21 Mass production Car Automobile Assembly line drive

22 Louis Armstrong Jazz Music Trumpet Harlem Renaissance

23 Quota Immigration Limit Ellis Island

24 Irving Berlin Tin Pan Alley Music songwriter

25 World War I The Great War Trenches Allies Central

26 Machine Gun Weapon Rapid Fire Shoot WWI

27 Poisonous Gas Mustard Mask Warfare WWI

28 Trench Warfare Ditch Tunnel WWI

29 Airplane Fly Red Baron Air Propeller

30 Allied Powers Side US Great Britain friend

31 Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Side WWI

32 Militarism Guns Stockpile reason

33 Tank WWI Cannon Large warfare

34 Archduke Ferdinand Assassination Heir Austria-Hungary Serbia

35 Imperialism Take over Small country Big country resources

36 Ally Friend Back US Great Britain

37 Nationalism Pride Country Best independence

38 Internment Camps West coast Prison Force Pearl Harbor

39 Overproduction Underconsumption Industry Factory Great Depression

40 Pearl Harbor Japanese Hawaii Bomb

41 New Deal Great Depression FDR Relief Recovery

42 A. Phillip Randolph March Washington African American

43 Dust Bowl Overfarming Cloud drought

44 Midway Battle planes Japan

45 Social Security Disability Old age Welfare government

46 Axis Power Germany Japan Italy

47 Hooverville Slum House poor

48 Manhattan Project Atomic Bomb Einstein Los Alamos Secret

49 Court Packing Judge FDR Supreme Power

50 D-Day Beach France Coast



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