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AIM: Demonstrate knowledge on Isolationism in the 1920’s and its’ impact on America A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and “foreigners”

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: Demonstrate knowledge on Isolationism in the 1920’s and its’ impact on America A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and “foreigners”"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Demonstrate knowledge on Isolationism in the 1920’s and its’ impact on America A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and “foreigners” lead to postwar isolationism.

2 Return to “Normalcy” The Effects of Peace on the Public War leaves Americans exhausted; debate over League divides them Economy adjusting: cost of living doubles; farm, factory orders down Soldiers take jobs from women, minorities Farmers, factory workers suffer

3 Return to “Normalcy” What does this lead to? Nativism: prejudice against foreign-born people—sweeps nation Isolationism: pulling away from world affairs—becomes popular Conservative Politics


5 Code Red : 1919-1920 Red Scare: Communism: economic, political system, single- party government ruled by dictator; no private property 1919 Lenin (Bolsheviks): Communist state in Russia U.S. Communist Party forms: some Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) join Bombs mailed to government, businesses – (JPM): people fear Red conspiracy Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer takes action

6 9/16/1920 – 23 Wall Street 23 Wall Street was constructed in 1913-1914, the Morgan name was so well-known that it was considered unnecessary to mark the building with his name, and it continues to be unmarked today… except for…. Aftermath

7 Code Red : 1919-1920 The Palmer Raids Palmer, J. Edgar Hoover hunt down Communists, socialists, anarchists Anarchists oppose any form of government Raids trample civil rights, fail to find evidence of conspiracy

8 Code Red : 1919-1920 Sacco and Vanzetti - 1920 Red Scare feeds fear of foreigners: ruins reputations, wrecks lives Sacco and Vanzetti: Italian immigrants, anarchists, arrested charged with robbery, murder trial does not prove guilt Jury finds them guilty: widespread protests in U.S., abroad Sacco, Vanzetti executed 1927

9 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1921).

10 Sacco and Vanzetti Targets of the Red Scare Italian born American Anarchists Accused of murder near Boston Little evidence against them / had a reliable alibi Sentenced to death NKg54bvObQ NKg54bvObQ

11 Quota Making – “Keep America for Americans” Anti-Immigrant Attitudes Nativists: fewer unskilled jobs available, fewer immigrants needed Think immigrant anarchists and socialists are Communist

12 Quota Making Emergency Quota Act – 1921 1919–1921, immigrant pop. grows almost 600% Quota system: sets max that can enter U.S. from each country – Reduce Euro Immigration Discriminates against southern, eastern Europeans (Roman Catholics and Jews) Prohibits Japanese immigration: ill will between U.S./ Japan Does not apply to Western Hemisphere: many Canadians, Mexicans enter


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