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 1. progressive  2. Social Darwinism  3. Eugenics  4. 18 th Amendment  5. nativism  6. demographics  7. immigrant  8. migration  9. 19 th Amendment.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. progressive  2. Social Darwinism  3. Eugenics  4. 18 th Amendment  5. nativism  6. demographics  7. immigrant  8. migration  9. 19 th Amendment."— Presentation transcript:

1  1. progressive  2. Social Darwinism  3. Eugenics  4. 18 th Amendment  5. nativism  6. demographics  7. immigrant  8. migration  9. 19 th Amendment  10. laissez-faire

2  1. Prohibition  2. Flapper  3. Assembly Line  4. Great Migration  5. Harlem Renaissance  6. Jazz Age  7. Prosperity  8. Stock Market  9. Consumerism  10. Red Scare  11. American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924  12. Teapot Dome Scandal  13. Tin Pan Alley  14. 18 th Amendment  15. 19 th Amendment  16. Credit/installment buying  17. political scandals

3  Consumer society  Political and social changes  Causes and effects: immigration, Social Darwinism, eugenics, race relations, nativism, Red Scare, Prohibition, changing roles of women  Changing demographic patterns  Social characteristics and issues expressed and reflected in its arts (music, paintings, literature, film)  Effects of scandals upon society

4  1. Introduction  2. The Third Industrial Revolution  3. Urbanization  4. The Revolution in Manners and Morals  5. The Electrical Home  6. Advertising and The Pursuit of Happiness  7. The Beauty Industries  8. The Silver Screen  9. The Jazz Age  10. Prohibition  11. Nativists and Fundamentalists  12. The Golden Age of Sports  13. Lucky Lindy  14. The Coming of The Great Depression

5 A Republican Decade Back to Isolationism

6  In 1920: 18 th amendment (prohibition)  19 th amendment (women’s suffrage)  Election of Harding  “a return to normalcy”  “The Ohio Gang”  Teapot Dome Scandal  Died in office

7  “Keep cool with Coolidge”  “The business of America is business.”  “Silent Cal”

8  “The engineer”  “Hooverizing”  “A chicken in every pot!”

9 J. Edgar Hoover—F.B.I.The Vacuum Cleaner

10  Prosperity  Big Business  Consumerism  Laissez-faire in economics  Laissez-faire in social issues

11  Automobile industry  Household appliances  Clothing and gadgets  Madison Avenue advertising  Women in the workplace  NOT for farmers!

12  Fear of Communists  Fear of Russians  Fear of immigrants  Fear of socialists  Fear of anarchists  Fear of unions  Fear of foreigners


14  Quotas on European Immigrants led to decrease  Mexican and Puerto Rican immigration increased

15  Palmer Raids (enforcement of Espionage Act)  The Volstead Act (enforcement of 18 th Am)  “The Untouchables”  Court cases…


17  Gitlow v. New York—all of first amendment applies to all states—protects freedom of press and speech— addresses 14 th amendment’s rights of citizenship  Schenk v. U.S.—does not protect freedom of speech and press during war—upheld Espionage Act (result of Socialist anti-war pamphlets distributed to draftees)— “clear and present danger”  (Others: Sacco and Vanzetti, Leopold and Loeb, Scopes, the biology teacher)

18  Strikes and riots—Note: Union membership decreased during 1920s

19  Al Smith ran for president in 1928 against HH as a Democrat against prohibition  He was the first Catholic candidate for President  Soundly defeated

20  Growth of KKK nationwide targeted people who were not White Anglo-Saxon and Protestant.  Over 5 million members  Controlled 3 state governments In 1923

21  It was illegal to teach evolution in most states  Law was challenged by a biology teacher in Tennessee  The Scopes Trial was a “media circus”  Still an issue today for states—“Intelligent Design” used as explanation

22  Intolerance about race  Women divided about goals of feminism  Distractions of mass media—entertainment became a priority  “Me” Decade  Farmers still suffering and not part of prosperity  Note: American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 finally passed re-enforcing 14 th Amendment

23 STUDY:  Imperialism Vocabulary  Spanish-American War notes  McKinley, TR, Taft, Wilson  Mahan’s book  Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Alaska  WWI Vocabulary  WWI Notes  Propaganda  Names of WWI  New weapons  Armistice and Treaty  Great Migration  Twenties Notes and trends  Prosperity  Republican Decade  Scopes Trial  Prohibition

24 To what degree did the Roaring Twenties represent both extreme conservative ideas and extreme liberal ideas?

25 CONSERVATIVE TRENDSLIBERAL TRENDS  Conservative Politics  Staying out of international affairs  Big business  Wall Street tycoons  Isolationism  Limiting Immigration  Laissez-faire  Prohibition  KKK  Religious Fundamentalism and Scopes trial  Red Scare  Liberal attitudes toward women’s rights  Fashion Speakeasies and drinking parties  Dating and youth  Consumerism and paying on time  Playing the stock market  Church attendance down  Freud  Movie stars  “Lost Generation”  Evolution and Scopes trial  Jazz and the arts

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