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McCarthyism A Webquest McCarthyism.htm.

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1 McCarthyism A Webquest McCarthyism.htm

2  The term McCarthyism, derived from the actions of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s, has come to mean the use of reckless and unfair accusations in the name of suppressing political disloyalty. The actions of McCarthy combined with communist expansion and the Korean War aroused public fear and led to a renewed Red Scare. McCarthy played on public fear in a bid to increase his own political standing. In the end McCarthy’s accusations were proven false and he was censured by the Senate, although this came too late for many whose lives were ruined by those unsubstantiated charges.

3  The 1950s, including the Red Scare and McCarthyism, is not the only time in the history of the United States in which a particular group was singled out and blamed for the problems of the time. In this webquest you will explore another time in which public fear turned into a mass hysteria which robbed people of their rights, their position in the community, and sometimes their lives: the Salem witch trials.

4  Using the list of online resources, your history textbook and one other primary or secondary source from the library answer the questions from the Process section of the webquest in complete and coherent sentences.  The media is always a source of political commentary that often deeply influences the way the public perceives an issue. Using the sites provided research an article or political cartoon from the early 1950s that offers a commentary on the state of affairs under McCarthy. Be prepared to discuss with the class the significance of this article or cartoon, including the bias that it might have, what is being focused on, and what is being left out. Pay special attention to the language used in the article for this is often a subtle way of conveying a message.

5  sm.html sm.html  A great site, providing links to other connected sites along with audiotapes of McCarthy describing his feelings on communism. Some of the links at the top don’t work, but search through and find the ones that do.  – focus on the Palmer raids.  M.HTM M.HTM  links/the-1950s/mccarthyism-cartoons – political cartoons links/the-1950s/mccarthyism-cartoons  – political cartoons

6 Questions for Task 1: 1. What is McCarthyism? 2. What is HUAC? 3. Name one person who was accused of having communist sympathies or was called before the committee. Why was this person accused? 4. Who were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? 5. Who was Alger Hiss? 6. Define subversive. 7. What was the McCarran Act? 8. What was the Smith Act? 9. How was McCarthy able to convince people that there was a true communist threat in the United States? 10. What were the long term consequences of McCarthyism?

7  Juxtapose the Salem Witch Trials and a modern day witch hunt of your choosing. Some suggestions: McCarthyism, The War on Terrorism, The Holocaust, etc. Due: One week after completing your read of The Crucible (actual date TBA)

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