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By Ryan M. Payne. Now before I start, I just want to say that the contents in this video are completely my opinion. (NO RESEARCH! Besides Webster's dictionary)

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Presentation on theme: "By Ryan M. Payne. Now before I start, I just want to say that the contents in this video are completely my opinion. (NO RESEARCH! Besides Webster's dictionary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ryan M. Payne

2 Now before I start, I just want to say that the contents in this video are completely my opinion. (NO RESEARCH! Besides Webster's dictionary) And if you do not like my opinion, at any time in the slide show press escape or if your brave enough to bare with me, keep reading. Now I know what you are most likely thinking that the clip art is not recommended for 4 years of age and under. (My Opinion)

3 So to make sure we are on the same track, I will give you four definitions of the word scary according to Webster's dictionary: 1: causing fright : alarming 2: easily scared : timid 3: feeling alarm or fright : frightened 4: causing fear Example: a “scary” movie that gave the child nightmares for weeks afterwards.

4 Now just to get you thinking, really, what is “ scary” ? What makes a “scary” image “scary” ? Why is the computer that you are looking at not “scary”? Well you might be thinking that it’s not “new”. When Loony Toons came out, nobody was “scared” of the “new” Bug’s Bunny because he’s not “scary”.

5 Maybe if it’s a very complex figure it would be scary, but even some of the simplest images can be “scary”. Like why are the images below slightly creepy to a child? Does it remind you of something? Sometimes “scary” background music can put a tremendous effect.

6 Once upon a time there was a five year old boy named Bobby. Bobby has never seen anything scary in his whole life not even a little bit because of his mom. Every Halloween he goes to bed early so he doesn’t see something “scary”. On Halloween he came down stairs to get some water when his mom and dad were witnessing to some trick-or-treaters and he saw a person dressed as a vampire. He wet himself as he ran screaming up the stairs into his room.

7 Was Bobby reminded of something? Of course not! Then why was it “scary” ? Even if somebody was used to seeing “scary” images, there is always something that will scare them. Some people don’t admit it but some adults will see something and get “scared” and have nightmares.

8 Well I think this is the end. End, such a “ scary” word… oh, sorry. I love opinions (obviously) and answers, send me an email all about your opinion. (or even make a presentation) And no I don’t have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or Instagram, and I don’t text. P.S. I will reply.

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