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The Northern Goshawk. By: Zoe Bartlett In partnership with Brenda Strohmeyer ( With the Rocky Mountain Research Facility)

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Presentation on theme: "The Northern Goshawk. By: Zoe Bartlett In partnership with Brenda Strohmeyer ( With the Rocky Mountain Research Facility)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Northern Goshawk. By: Zoe Bartlett In partnership with Brenda Strohmeyer ( With the Rocky Mountain Research Facility)

2 Habitat The Goshawk will nest in older, taller, trees. They also enjoy balmy Temperatures. They tend to avoid warmer nest climates. Goshawks like mature, old- grown wood. When picking the “perfect” tree they will look for: small openings for hunting, mediocre canopies on top.

3 Food Preferences They happen to enjoy foods such as: Geese, Foxes and other raptors. They can take down an animal twice its size! To hunt they will either swoop down to scare prey and make them fly up or they will wait in trees for their prey to fly passed. To the right you will see a Goshawk hunting a hare about twice his weight. These are very powerful animals.

4 Nesting The goshawk is very territorial when it comes to its nest. It commonly only attacks people when they step in the area of the nest. It also attacks animals. The nest is made of dead twigs. They normally nest in colder places. The nest is the place most used.

5 Population The Northern Goshawk is not by any means endangered. It has a very large population. Its breeding season is very well respected by the bird. The population is not specified but, as you can tell it is very large.

6 Behavior This specific bird is very aggressive. More so adults but, the juveniles are also aggressive. They both will hunt and attack if you come to close to the nest. Whether its animals or humans they will attack you.

7 Conclusion These were only a few facts about this fascinating bird. Its very territorial, and they become more territorial the closer you get. They can be gentle though.

8 Thank you Thank you for watching my presentation. It as very fun and interesting to learn and read about this bird.

9 Bibliography Last Slide uck+norris&gs_l=img.3..0l10.11399.14209.0.14434. 62.TOmqGq7FjrY#tbm=isch&q=goshawks+hunting&imgdii=_ uck+norris&gs_l=img.3..0l10.11399.14209.0.14434. 62.TOmqGq7FjrY#tbm=isch&q=goshawks+hunting&imgdii=_

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