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STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone WINE-NET A strategic intelligence pilot Platform for wine, designed by the Consortium “Mancomunidad of North Tenerife”.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone WINE-NET A strategic intelligence pilot Platform for wine, designed by the Consortium “Mancomunidad of North Tenerife”."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone WINE-NET A strategic intelligence pilot Platform for wine, designed by the Consortium “Mancomunidad of North Tenerife”.

2 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife is currently working on creating an Internet portal to provide more information about the world of wine, aimed at the wine growers of the new member municipalities. This is the “Wine-net Wine Platform”,, parts of which are already accessible. This initiative is part of the European project STRATINC that this supra-municipal association is a partner to.

3 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Wine-net is conceived for the purpose of providing a working tool to assist in handling information, making it available in a rapid and intuitive manner. Hence, it is intended to reach all net users regardless of their experience in the field. It is made up of two parts: one public - where all users shall have unrestricted access - and another private - with restricted access allowed only to users who have a password and a priori authorisation.

4 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Platform Contents: 1.Introduction 2.Presentation 3.The Consortium (Mancomunidad) 4.Communication 5.Regulations 6.Wine 7.Training and seminars 8.How to contact us 9.Control panel

5 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone The company responsible for the work The company OKODEX SOLUTIONS has been chosen to develop and maintain this web platform. Their attractive project offered both power and user friendliness, bearing in mind the sector the portal is aimed at.

6 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone The Basic idea that the Mancomunidad del Norte wanted to get across to Okodex Solutions was to create a platform that will feed not only off information from the conventional channels of journalism, but also from contributions from users. Using this approach, we have designed a site structure in which user participation is given priority; an open site in which anyone with anything to say will have a space to do so, but which, at the same time, acts as a shop window for official announcements and news of interest for the sector.

7 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Apart from the portal design, Okodex Solutions is also responsible for creating the “Innovators’ Clubs”. Local companies are being surveyed to gain an insight into the needs of the professionals working in the wine sector in Tenerife. We also take the opportunity of these interviews to inform these companies of the advantages that will offer for their businesses: Providing a shop window on Internet for their wines, their own e-mail address, receive interesting information and, at the same time, having the chance to express their views on events related to the world of wines.

8 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone The Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife has considered that not all users have the same access possibilities to the portal, due either to a lack of technical means or because of lack of know-how concerning the potential of the Internet. For this reason, we will provide support for users who require it with the “technological cupboards”.

9 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Okodex Solution’s in- depth knowledge of Internet is the best possible guarantee to ensure the success of this project, which is to benefit the portal users. They are the real leading players of this project.

10 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone WINE-NET MAGAZINE: Actions regarding promotion and outreach related to the STRATINC project’s strategic intelligence Platform.

11 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Brief Description: We are presenting the second number of the magazine WINE- NET, a publication that we hope to use as a vehicle to bring you all the latest developments in the world of wine. Our objective is to provide you with all the contents that are posted on the web site, as we are aware that, for one reason or another, not everyone in our target public has access to the Internet.

12 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone With this quarterly edition, we in the Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife, North Tenerife Association of Municipalities, and thanks to the Stratinc European project, would like to make a contribution to disseminating both domestic and international information on the wine growing industry, particularly about the technology used in this area. In our pages, you will find reports, interviews and news of competitions, subsidies, training, developments, pests, gastronomy, wine cellars, studies, etc., and all so that farmers, technicians, businessmen, cellar owners and other professionals of the wine growing sector, and those interested in the industry, have an up to the minute view. We hope that you will find Wine-net interesting, entertaining and, above all, useful.

13 STRATINC PROJECT:INTERREG IIIC West Zone Thanks for your attention!

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