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 Bottle Label Removal Machine, Wine Bottles  Management Information System, Recycling Card.

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2  Bottle Label Removal Machine, Wine Bottles  Management Information System, Recycling Card

3  Population Distribution  Distance to Established Markets  Limited Volumes of Material  Environmentalism (Social Movement/ Government’s Commitment)

4  Our Province has the opportunity to structure our Waste Management Program to meet N.L.’s unique needs

5  Local industry/ local recycling  value adding, GHG reduction, cost predictability and sustainability, creates innovation, aligns with sustainable development strategies  Transshipment Program  most material is shipped out of NL


7  Over 2.5 million wine and liquor bottles imported into N.L.  One-time use, crushed and sent to N.B.  Increased transportation costs have increased costs of bottles  Local wine industry ready to change to recycled bottles  Green Depots have a significant supply of wine bottles  Preliminary research indicated that there was no industrial level process established for the reuse of wine bottles

8 To develop an industrial-level process to support the sanitization, de-labeling, recycling and reuse of glass beverage containers.

9  Federal / Provincial R&D and Business Support programs  Industrial Development programs at Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic

10  National Research Council  Matchmaker with CONA’s Industrial Engineering Program  Cost shared with EGE, two small research projects  Supported EGE’s research of the marketplace on this initiative

11  MMSB  Provided information aiding EGE’s understanding of the volume of wine bottles available in the Green Depot Network  Receptive to recycling (reuse) wine bottles in this manner

12  CONA’s research indicated that an enhanced engineering capability was required  NRC performed matchmaking role with Memorial and funded 3 rd research study  Memorial University, Facility of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Industry Outreach Group  Report provided a solution for industrial level label removal process and a conceptual machine design

13  EGE received investment required for Memorial to develop the prototype  ACOA, Business Development Program  MMSB, Waste Management Trust Fund under the Solid Waste Management Innovation Program  MMSB approval that wine bottles captured through the Green Depot network can be reused in this manner

14 Green Depots

15  Viewed Beverage container recycling as a retail experience rather than an industrial process  Customer was at the centre of our business model (not the beverage container)

16  To manage the collection/accounting of 37 million containers, payment to customer of deposit refunds ($2 million annually) through $5-$10 transactions (estimated @1,000 transactions per day)  Opportunity to reduce or eliminate customer wait times  Increase processing efficiency by reducing container counts (Based on 37 million containers reduction of 148,000,000 counts)  Opportunity to improve customer service by improving management of accounts, enhanced marketing opportunities and increased customer confidence in the system

17  A fully integrated information technology and materials management system that provides a systematic process for sorters at recycling depots.  EGE’s management system will provide a fully integrated process from sorting to point of sale, through inventory and into the accounting records.  The ‘next generation’ feature is the “Recycling Card” which provides depot customers with access through a Web-based user interface, enabling them to access their account information and update their accounts via the Web.





22  No Government Investment  EGE financed  One of a kind system, patent pending  Next stage is commercialization

23  Lengthy time period for R&D projects to reach this stage (Both projects in their 5 th year)  Limited but accessible financing for R&D projects can have a significant impact  Adding value to the recycled commodity at the local level can sustain a recycling program through the downturns in the commodity market  Opportunities to export products and services

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