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HISTORY AND SCOPE OF MICROBIOLOGY. History 1665 Robert Hooke observed living plant tissues (20X mag.) “Little boxes” or Cells Used simple magnifying lens.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY AND SCOPE OF MICROBIOLOGY. History 1665 Robert Hooke observed living plant tissues (20X mag.) “Little boxes” or Cells Used simple magnifying lens."— Presentation transcript:


2 History 1665 Robert Hooke observed living plant tissues (20X mag.) “Little boxes” or Cells Used simple magnifying lens Suggested all living things are made of cells

3 Hooke's Microscope 1665 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was inspired by this publication

4 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1677) (“layu-wen-hook”) –First observation of living cells (200-300X mag.) –“Animalcules” –Single lens Microscope (Self made)—simple microscope –Tooth plaque –Rain water –Diarrheal feces

5 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Bacteria Protozoa Sperm cells Blood cells Microscopic worms

6 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope 3-4” microscope Required good lighting and patience


8 Spontaneous Generation The idea that life could arise spontaneously from nonliving matter –Ex: Toads and Mice could arise from soil –Until the 18 th century this believe existed

9 History (cont.) 1668 Francesco Redi –1 st one to disprove spontaneous generation

10 Francesco Redi’s experiments with meat uncoveredcovered Maggots No maggots Disproved that maggots arise from decaying meat!!

11 Proved (??) spontaneous generation in chicken broth Heated Nutrient Fluids and poured them into covered flasks British clergyman John Needham’s experiments (1745) Hot Mutton gravy Turbid broth “ phial swarm’d with life...”

12 Italian priest Lazzaro Spallanzani (1765) Similar to Needham’s Experiments He showed that heating a sealed flask of meat broth prevented growth of organism Skeptics claimed—lack of O 2 prevented growth!!

13 The Golden Age of Microbiology! Louis Pasteur (finally disproved spontaneous generation after many years of debate) Robert Koch (proof of germ theory) Other pioneers in Microbiology

14 Pasteur—Father of microbiology 1857- Louis Pasteur saves France’s wine industry Napoleon III begged Pasteur (a chemist by training) to help solve a problem Sailors were mutinying b/c their wine was spoiling after only a few weeks at sea Pasteur armed with his trusty microscope accepted the challenge

15 Luis Pasteur

16 –Spontaneous Generation finally disproved –Boiled broth in long-s-shaped necked flasks (unsealed) Remained sterile Proved that microorganisms are present in air, but air does not create microbes –Beginning of the golden age of microbiology Louis Pasteur (1861)

17 Swan neck flask experiment disproved spontaneous generation(1861)

18 History (cont.) 1861 Pasteur –Proved Microorganisms are present in nonliving matter –Microbes can be destroyed by heat Aseptic Technique Fermentation mediated by yeast, not air –Pasteurization to prevent wine and beer spoilage (by bacteria)

19 1857-Louis Pasteur saves France’s wine 1)Good wine contained yeast 2)Sour wine contained bacterium ( Bacteria that use alcohol and produce acetic acid spoil wine by turning it to vinegar (acetic acid). 3)He reasoned that if wine is heated to destroy the harmful bacteria it wouldn’t spoil (process known as Pasteurization)

20 Pasteur’s Tomb in the Crypt of the Pasteur Institute in Paris

21 Germ Theory of Disease Pasteur proposed that wine spoiling in an analogy for disease (bacterial growth made the wine “sick”) He hypothesized in 1857 that microorganisms are responsible for infectious diseases

22 Edward Jenner (country doctor) –Milkmaid didn’t get smallpox b/c they contracted the milder form of cowpox –Immune system cannot distinguish btw cowpox/smallpox –Scratched a farmboy w/ a needle bearing fluid from cowpox –Small pox Vaccine --Vacca-cow -Vaccination w/ cowpox provided immunity for smallpox


24 Protection from a disease from vaccination Immunity

25 Robert Koch (1843-1910) German country physician who developed microbiology into a science Developed pure culture techniques (used potato slices to grow bacteria) developed agar later on Proof of the germ theory Work with anthrax Koch’s postulates

26 Bacillus anthracis

27 Pure Culture Key to Studying Microbes Definition: Pure culture is a population of organism, all of which are the progeny of a single organism -In nature, microbes almost never occur as pure cultures

28 AGAR Is a complex polysaccharide derived from seaweed Was suggested by Fannie Hesse wife of Koch’s co-worker Walther Hesse “why do your jellies and pudding stay solid in warm weather”? AGAR-AGAR had been used as a gelling agent in Asia for centuries Fannie learned to use AGAR-AGAR from a Dutch neighbor in New York who spent time in Asia

29 Koch’s postulates 1)Specific microorganism is present in all cases of the disease 2)Organism can be obtained in pure culture outside of the host 3)Organism when re-inoculated into host causes the same symptoms 4)Organism can be isolated in pure culture from experimentally infected host

30 Koch’s findings Koch and his coworkers discovered that bacteria caused TUBERCULOSIS CHOLERA DIPTHERIA TYPHOID FEVER GONORRHEA PNEUMONIA

31 Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) Taught medicine in Vienna No one connected germs w/ disease yet Puerperal fever “childbirth fever” caused 25-30% mortality Nearby obstetric hospital had only a 2% death rate


33 Ignaz Semmelweis (cont.) He made some observations Medical Students working on cadavers moved from the dissecting room to the maternity ward Midwives –Stayed only in maternity ward

34 Ignaz Semmelweis (cont.) Ordered students to wash hands and medical instruments in chlorinated lime Mortality dropped to 1.3% By 1848, 0% mortality

35 Paul Ehrlich-hospital dermatologist Chemotherapy- Treatment using chemical substances 1910 Paul Ehrlich -”Magic bullet” –Salvarsan (arsenic derivative) Preparation 606 –Syphilis

36 Alexander Fleming –scottish researcher--1928 Discovered Penicillin (fungus) by accident Was convinced that nasal mucus had antibacterial effects Left his Staphylococcus culture on an agar plate for 2 weeks-went on vacation-came back &found mold on his plate which prevented bacterial growth (a mycology lab underneath him had this rare spore drift)



39 Founders of Microbiology (Review) First observed microbes— Leeuwenhoek Proved living cells can arise only from other living cells---Pasteur Confirmed the Germ Theory of Disease --Koch

40 Scope of microbiology

41 Microbiology Bacteria Fungi Viruses Immunology

42 Bacteria Medical importance –Gastroenteritis –Syphilis –Tetanus –Lyme disease –Plague

43 Bacteria (cont.) Industrial importance –Food supplements Amino acids & Vitamins –Organic solvents Acetone

44 Bacteria (cont.) Pharmaceutical importance –Antibiotics polymyxin –Hormones Insulin

45 Biotechnology and Recombinant DNA Biotechnology: –The use of microorganisms, cells, or cell components to make a product –Foods, antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes Recombinant DNA Technology: –Insertion or modification of genes to produce desired proteins

46 Figure 9.1.1

47 Bacteria (cont.) Environmental importance –Biodegradation Oil spills Wastewater treatment

48 Figure 9.1.2

49 Gram positive S. aureus

50 Gram negative E. coli


52 Fungi Medical importance –Valley fever –Candidiasis –Athlete's foot

53 Fungi (cont.) Industrial importance –Fermentation Wine Beer Bread

54 Fungi (cont.) Pharmaceutical importance –Antibiotics Penicillin

55 Fungi (cont.) Environmental importance –Wastewater treatment –Degradation of complex organic matter Lignin in wood



58 Viruses Medical importance –HIV –Influenza –Rabies –Common cold

59 Viruses Genetic engineering –“Gene shuttles” –Treatment of some genetic disorders

60 Microinjection Gene gun DNA can be inserted into a cell by: Figure 9.6 & 7

61 Viruses (cont.) Environmental importance –Unknown



64 West Nile encephalitis –West Nile Virus –First diagnosed in the West Nile region of Uganda in 1937. –Appeared in New York City in 1999. Emerging Infectious Diseases

65 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy –Prion (infectious proteinaceous material) –Also causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) –New-variant CJD in humans related to cattle fed sheep offal for protein. Emerging Infectious Diseases

66 Escherichia coli O57:H7 –Toxin-producing strain of E. coli –Fist seen in 1982 –Leading cause of diarrhea worldwide. Emerging Infectious Diseases

67 Invasive group A Streptococcus –Rapidly growing bacteria cause extensive tissue damage. –Increased incidence since 1995 Emerging Infectious Diseases

68 Ebola hemorrhagic fever –Ebola virus –Causes fever, hemorrhaging, and blood clotting –First identified near Ebola River, Congo –Outbreak every few years Emerging Infectious Diseases

69 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome –Hantavirus –Fist identified in 1951 in Korea as cause of hemorrhagic fever and named for Hantaan River –A new disease involving respiratory symptoms was seen in the U.S. in 1995 –The U.S. virus, called Hantavirus Sin Nombre virus, probably came to the U.S. with rats around 1900 Emerging Infectious Diseases

70 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) –Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) –First identified in 1981. –Worldwide epidemic infecting 40 million people; 14,000 new infections everyday. –Sexually transmitted disease affecting males and females. –In the U.S., HIV/AIDS in people 13-24 years of age: 44% are female and 63% are African American. Emerging Infectious Diseases

71 Anthrax –Bacillus anthracis –In 1877, Koch proved B. anthracis causes anthrax. –Veterinarians and agricultural workers are at risk of cutaneous anthrax. –In 2001, dissemination of B. anthracis via mail infected 22 people. Emerging Infectious Diseases

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