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Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 1 Hawesko Holding AG W E L C O M E !

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1 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 1 Hawesko Holding AG W E L C O M E !

2 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 2 Corporate Mission Statement To be the key player in the premium European retail wine market, building on strengths: in German home market, in database marketing skills, in product sourcing.

3 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 3 Growth in the major wine markets Higher number of wine consumers More wine import activity Increasing demand for premium wines

4 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 4 Wine market in Germany Price level Premium-wine segment is about 25% of DM 11.4 billion market Premium wines: ca. DM 2.9 bn* > DM 7 per bottle * Source: macrom, 1999 and Hawesko Target segment of the Hawesko Group Discount food outlets, ALDI Food retailers and department stores Vineyards Mail order Specialty retailers

5 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 5 Hawesko Holding AG - Business lines Mail-order business  Trading names: - Hanseatisches Wein- und Sektkontor (founded 1964) - Carl Tesdorpf (founded 1678) - Winegate (internet) - The Wine Company - Le Monde des Grands Bordeaux  Target customers: high-income private individuals/ companies  Price segment: > DM 10 / bottle  Address database: approx. 700,000  2000e sales: ca. DM 188 m  Employees: 302 Wine wholesale and distribution  Trading names: - CWD Champagner Wein Distribution (founded 1986) - Wein-Wolf (founded 1981)  Target customers: Restaurants, caterers, shops  Price segment: > DM 10/ bottle  Address database: approx. 20,000  2000e sales: ca DM 119 m  Employees: 75 Specialty wine-stores  Trading name: Jacques‘ Wein-Depot (founded 1974)  Target customers: private customers  Price segment: > DM 7 / bottle  Outlets: 190 with a continuous direct-mailing campaign targeting 400,000 customers  2000e sales: ca. DM 143 m  Employees: 48 Agency Partner: 144

6 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 6 Mail-Order Business

7 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 7 Mail-Order Wine Market Wines selling for over DM 7.00* per bottle DM 405 million* Higher-quality Segment All German Mail-Order Businesses 14% Source: macrom (Cologne), 1999 DM 2.9 bn* Total German Wine Market DM 11.4 bn* DM 2.9 bn* Total German Wine Market *end-consumer prices including sales tax

8 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 8 Top Ten Mail-Order Distributors 176 Hanseatisches Wein- und Sektkontor HAWESKO Main players in German mail-order wine 1998 sales to private customers in DM millions* 5 6 6 7 12 13 14 16 0 25 5075100125150175 Bremer Weinkolleg Pro Idee Alpina FUB Savour Club Mövenpick Weinland Weinart LV. Kapff Brogsitters Source: macrom (Cologne) 1999, Hawesko 200

9 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 9 Market positioning: Mail-order Price class: Premium / Superpremium Extensive international product range with special emphasis on France Colourful, glossy main catalog built around individual wines; frequent mailings Price class: Ultrapremium Extensive international product range with emphasis on Italy, France and Spain Distinguished main catalog built around wineries and terroir; mailings in respectable intervals

10 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 10 Competence center built around Hanseatisches Wein- und Sekt-Kontor Customer base with purchasing power and propensity towards luxury goods Direct marketing systems -continual analysis and management of customer value base -niche targeting of sub-groups possible Purchasing advantages -long, well-established relationships with producers -exclusive products Productive use of data processing Modern logistic systems Market positioning: Mail-order

11 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 11 Wine retail business

12 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 12 Retail Wine Market in Germany *macrom (Cologne) 1999, plus estimates based on Geisenheim Wine Institute end-consumer prices based on 1998 figures including sales tax Jacques´ is the market leader in retailing of high quality wines through specialty shops in Germany (in FY 2000 over 195 depots) market share of wine specialty shops ca. 18% on DM value market share Jacques’ Wein-Depot: 1.5 % wine market excluding catering DM 11.4 bn* DM 2.1 bn* Total Wine Market DM 130 m Jacques' Higher-quality Segment DM 2.1 bn market share Jacques’ Wein-Depot: 7 %

13 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 13 Market positioning: Jacques‘ wine shops Type of franchise system with independent shop managers motivated by their stake in the shop. Low cost structure because of location and simple shop fittings, limited opening hours. Centrally coordinated location planning: demographic fit and convenience for motorists a must: 30 additional locations identified per year and in the planning pipeline for the next 3 years. Medium- to medium-high price segment: lesser known wines and excellent value. All wines may be tasted before purchase. International product range exclusive to Jacques’ in Germany with emphasis on France and Italy, increasingly Spain and New World wines. Monthly mailings trigger regular visits to the local shop.

14 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 14 Jacques’ history of growth In ten years, Jacques’ has doubled the number of shops and maintained productivity levels 599 622 663 707 713 695 749 782 706 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 198919901991199219931994199519961997 in TDM Sales per Depot 755 1998 760 1999 79 83 85 87 92 100 117 130 107 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 198919901991199219931994199519961997 Number of Depots 148 1998 165 1999

15 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 15 Jacques’ Wein-Depot New openings on the increase New openings per year Total number of shops

16 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 16 Wholesale Business

17 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 17 Wholesale segment Big wholesale players by turnover in DM millions Hawesko estimates, net of sales tax

18 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 18 Wholesale segment Product assortment based on specialties such as Taittinger, Torres, Antinori, which supple- ment the range of Hanseatisches Wein- und Sekt-Kontor Sales representatives take care of over 5,000 top-flight restaurants The best adress in Germany for eau-de-vie, designer bottles and special Italian wines Product assortment based on that of Hanseatisches Wein- und Sekt- Kontor Direct sales to over 5,000 caterers and specialist re-sellers, based on infrastructure of Hanseatisches Wein- und Sekt-Kontor Small lots, fast drop-delivery service

19 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 19 Online wine sales

20 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 20 Online wine sales Wine & Spirits Perfume Furniture Jewelry Clothing Hardware Books & CD's Software 0123456 Source: EHI, Cologne Wine is well-suited to order on the internet

21 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 21 Online wine sales Online wine market in Europe : Set to grow to between 600 million DEM and 2 billion DEM 19992000200120022003 80 20 eTail wine F, I, D, UK in DEM m Scenario II: Expected maximal market with a growth factor of 3 p.a. 2 billion DM 600 million DM Scenario I: Expected minimal market with a growth factor of 2 p.a. Sales of the largest wine e-player Sales incl. online food retail Sources: Arthur D. Little, Lebensmittel-Zeitung

22 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 22 Online wine sales Hawesko is the German market leader: 1999 online wine sales in DM ’000 Source: Macrom, Cologne 2000. Figures include sales tax

23 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 23 Online wine sales Since Winegate launch, online orders and online sales have been much higher than last year Sales in DM No. of orders

24 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 24 Extensive product offer and long-standing relationships to the best wine producers Modern infrastructure for order and delivery logistics Expertise in database marketing und mail-order Years of internet experience (since 1996) Online wine sales Hawesko has built-in advantages:

25 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 25 Online wine sales trend to 2001 e (in DM millions) Online wine sales 19961997199819992000e2001e 0,60,20,05 1,9 12,0 8,0 16,0 21,0 estimate range

26 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 26 The Worldwide Wine Market The worldwide wine market is estimated in DM 150 to 200 billion. The wine market in Germany: Total: approx. DM 12 billion High-quality wines: approx. DM 3 billion Market share of the Hawesko Group in the high-quality sector: Germany:approx. 14% Worldwide:approx. 2%

27 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 27 Growth in the Wine Market 5% growth p.a. in the worldwide market for high-quality wines from - DM 27 to 30 bn in the year 2000 to - DM 40 to 50 bn in 2010 Expansion of the worldwide market share from currently below 1.5% to approx. 5% Turnover of DM 2.0 - 2.5 bn in 2010

28 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 28 Steps Abroad Austria The Wine Company - first mailing in March 2000 UK - launch of France- acquisition of Bordeaux wine trader Le Monde des Grands Bordeaux Poland- start with shareholding in wholesaler Expansion into other major European markets

29 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 29 Goals of the Hawesko Group Strengthen our market leadership in Germany, including better use of existing resources Develop our foreign operations Continue to be a catalyst for change in the highly-fragmented premium-wine market

30 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 30 Hawesko Holding AG Thank you for your attention!

31 Hawesko Holding AG November 2000 31 Hawesko Holding AG

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