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Gird Up…Be Sober…Hope to the End 1 Peter 1:13 by Pastor Troy Self.

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1 Gird Up…Be Sober…Hope to the End 1 Peter 1:13 by Pastor Troy Self

2 Introduction Peter speaks a word of encouragement to his readers. He realizes that as they experience growing persecution and hardship, their hope is waning. He encourages the believers to look expectantly toward the fulfilling of their salvation, for he wants them to have a living hope with respect to their inheritance [v.3].

3 1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore…referring to the previous thought he has proposed; wherefore…in light of this wonderful salvation that is unspeakable and full of glory, in light of Christ’s return, in light of your privileged revelation of salvation in Christ, of which the prophets researched with great diligence and angels observe with great fascination, begin to live with my admonitions I give you…

4 1 Peter 1:13 …gird up…To fasten, secure; to equip; prepare…the is reminiscent of the culture of the middle east and the world of the Bible when people wore long flowing garments, especially robes. They would gather them up into their girdle [belt/sash] when going on a journey or getting down to work. In other instances, they girded when preparing to run or race.

5 1 Peter 1:13 …the loins…the hip; the lower back; waist. …of your mind… deep thought, the mind or its disposition, by implication its exercise: - imagination, mind, understanding. It refers to the believer’s spiritual consciousness, that is, his conscious relationship to God. The mind ought to be free from any hindrance [worry, fear] to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

6 1 Peter 1:13 …be sober… to abstain from wine (keep sober), that is, (figuratively) be discreet: - be sober, watch. This admonishment is in the present tense which indicates continuous action…be sober, keep sober. Dr. D.A. Waite: Do you what sober means? It means to abstain from wine or anything alcoholic. That is total abstention.

7 1 Peter 1:13 So we find that not only those in leadership, but even those in the church as such, indicated by these "older men and women" in Titus, chapter 2, are not to be the kind of people who are associated with wine.

8 1 Peter 1:13 Mac: Well it's important for us to understand it. It meant that he was to abstain from wine. A temperate person was an abstainer from wine. It came metaphorically to mean "circumspect, alert, or clear-headed."

9 1 Peter 1:13 Mac: …the idea is the same: anybody in spiritual leadership is to be clear- headed; so never is he to be given over to anything that dulls the clarity of his mind. Pastors, elders are to be in control of their senses at all times.

10 1 Peter 1:13 You couldn't drink the water without running some kind of risk. Even today in Third World countries, the first thing they tell you when you get off the plane is, "Don't drink the water!" Understand there was no refrigeration. So, any kind of juice standing in the heat of the Middle East, of course, could ferment. Because of that, they took a number of precautions.

11 1 Peter 1:13 Ancient precautions: 1. Dilution The first of which was to mix the wine with water, as much as 8 parts of water to 1 part of wine. This of course, acted almost as a disinfectant for the water

12 1 Peter 1:13 Ancient precautions: 2. BoilingThe second thing that they did was to boil it. They would take the wine that had fermented and they went through a boiling process. So that kind of wine, from paste mixed with water, would be non-alcoholic, wouldn't have any alcohol content.

13 1 Peter 1:13 Mac: The kind of wine that we call "wine" today, rather than grape juice or fruit juice, the kind of wine that we have today is not the same as the kind that would normally be consumed in Biblical times. We are all potentially one drink away from complete alcoholism. God wants us to be sober.

14 1 Peter 1:13 …hope…to expect or confide: trust; the concept hope is prominent in 1 Peter. It means to ‘hope completely’. It suggests a full, unwavering hope. Notice that hope is not in a person but in an object. We have a wonderful future…hope to the end…revelation of Jesus Christ…

15 1 Peter 1:13 …to the end… completely, that is, (of hope) without wavering: - to the end. The end of the world of which Jesus spoke to Peter and the disciples. …for the grace… the enabling power and unmerited favor of God; a humility to see life from God’s point of view…

16 1 Peter 1:13 …that is to be brought unto you…to “bear” or carry - be, bear, bring (forth), be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold. A special grace that is granted just before he comes again …at the revelation of Jesus Christ…disclosure: - appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

17 Conclusion/Review I. Gird up The loins of your mind: be tough mentally; don’t make soft choices, focus on life’s priorities--the kingdom of God II. Be Sober: be dry of alcohol; keep a clear head as a witness, king and priest of Christ’s kingdom III. Hope to the end: not a whiner, complainer, pessimist At the revelation: He is coming again; keep looking up, keep hoping, help’s on the way!

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