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Sacrament of Initiation 3: Eucharist

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1 Sacrament of Initiation 3: Eucharist
This PowerPoint contains information and links that can assist students and teachers to complete a Unit of Work around the Eucharist 'For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord‘ Corinthians 11:26-27

2 Try clicking the red video button to watch a clip of The Last Supper
Within this PowerPoint you will see links and buttons. Click on these to learn more and to hear or watch people explain more on the topic. Try clicking the red video button to watch a clip of The Last Supper Try clicking the blue information button to read The Last Supper passage - Luke 22 Feel free to record notes in the note section below ! Feel free to record you thoughts, questions and other notes here !

3 What is the Eucharist ? Christ himself introduced this sacrament at the last supper on Holy Thursday, the night before he died on the cross. Jesus blessed and offered bread and wine to the apostles at the last supper and held the first Eucharist.  This exchange of bread and wine foreshadowed Jesus sacrifice of himself. “Take this, all of you, and eat it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you” Today the Eucharist is one of the seven sacraments Christians take part in at church. A priest, who acts for Jesus, calls upon the Holy Spirit to bless and consecrate the bread and wine. It is 'the summit of all Christian life‘ (Vatican 2005) and calls us to remember the sacrifice made by Jesus for us.

4 Why do we celebrate the Eucharist ?
Other reasons: Our participation reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Accepting the bread and wine, once consecrated the body and blood of Christ, nourishes our faith and call to discipleship. It encapsulates Jesus and his teachings within us. Firstly Christians celebrate the Eucharist as Christ instructed us to do so. Since the last supper, from his words ‘Do this in remembrance of me’, the faithful have continued to hold the Eucharist to this day. “It is a sign if unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet, in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us” (Vatican 2005)

5 How do we celebrate? When do we celebrate ?
We celebrate by attending Holy Mass and participating in the Mass. You can participate by singing and reading along with the assembly. You may help with duties in the Mass. Here is a video of the Eucharist in Mass For those Practicing Catholics who have received their first Holy Communion, they will accept the Eucharist. Another way everyone may celebrate is to pray and thank Jesus and God for the sacrifice they made for us We celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Holy Mass. For most people that is every Sunday and on holy days of obligation. You can attend Mass on other days as well. A persons' first Holy Communion is when they receive the Eucharist for the first time. For most people this is around the age of 7.

6 Signs and Symbols There are significant items used and actions taken within the Eucharist. Most of these have an important part to play in receiving Eucharist and in enriching meaning within the Eucharist. Here are some of the signs and symbols used: Sharing The idea of sharing a meal or feast between people is a symbol of friendship and peacemaking. Water The water is linked to many other sacraments, specifically baptism. The idea of water cleansing a person so that they may be reborn is within the Eucharist. Bread The bread is Jesus body. It also represents life, as bread is grown and a source of food. It nourishes people bodies as Christ nourishes their souls. Laying on of hands The laying on of the hands is the sign of calling down the holy spirit. The priests call down the Holy Spirit to consecrate the gift’s of bread and wine into Christs body and blood. Wine The wine is Jesus’s blood. It also represents Joy.

7 Real Presence Jesus is present in the Eucharist in many ways. Primarily he is present through The assembly as he is within us and our faith. The priest as they act for Jesus’ person and name. The words and scripture, as they were proclaimed by Jesus. The bread and wine as it becomes Jesus’ body and blood through transubstantiation.

8 Resources Websites Videos Games and Apps
Videos What does the Eucharist mean to you ? Fun clip on the Eucharist and You Items needed to prepare for Eucharist Games and Apps iMass Children’s Bible New Missal Bible Quizzer Laudate Bible Trivia Bible Heros Advent Calendar Kid Explorers Big Light Games Christian Computer Games

9 Teacher Page Rationale Lessons

10 References Bishops of NSW and the ACT. (2007) Catholic schools at a crossroads.. Sydney: Catholic Education Office. Second Vatican Council (1964). Dogmatic constitution on the Church: lumen gentium. Vatican: Vatican City. Second Vatican Council (2002), Roman Missal, Vatican: Vatican City. National Catholic Education Commission. (n.d.). Together At One Altar | Explore Craft Receive Live. Together At One Altar Christian Book. (2014.). 'The Last Supper' from the Epic Motion Picture 'Son of God'. YouTube. Jesuit Communications. (2012.). The Word Exposed - Liturgy of the Eucharist 1'. YouTube. Jesuit Communications. (2012.). The Word Exposed - The Eucharist: His Presence. YouTube.

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