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The Blue Crab From Z to A A Problem-solving Study of the Blue Crab (from zoea larvae to adult)

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Presentation on theme: "The Blue Crab From Z to A A Problem-solving Study of the Blue Crab (from zoea larvae to adult)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Blue Crab From Z to A A Problem-solving Study of the Blue Crab (from zoea larvae to adult)

2 A Classroom Lesson from the Mathematics & Science Center Photo: NOAA


4 Map: Chesapeake Bay Foundation

5 The Blue Crab: a KEYSTONE organism in the bay food web Photo: R. Hawley

6 In this lesson you will: Create a KNOWLEDGE MENU for the Blue Crab Learn about BIOTIC and ABIOTIC factors on the Blue Crab Stock Make a RECOMMENDATION to help improve the bay’s Crab stock

7 Callinectes sapidus Beautiful swimmer” (Greek) “Savory” (Latin) Photo: Steve Szinski

8 A pugnacious, benthic aquatic crustacean Photo: NOAA

9 Male “Jimmy” Crab Photo: R. Hawley

10 Female “Sook” Crab Photo: R. Hawley

11 Pregnant Female: “Sponge” Photo: R. Hawley

12 A Unique Life Cycle Graphic: NOAA

13 Growth by 1/3: Molting Photos: R. Hawley

14 Some Blue Crab History 1870’s Soft shell crab industry – Crisfield, MD 1896 Mary J. Rathbun The Genus Callinectes First Crab Pot – B.F. Lewis of Harryhogan, VA Photo: NOAA

15 More Blue Crab History 1967 Founding of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation 1982 EPA Report The Chesapeake Bay: Introduction to an Ecosystem 2000 Chesapeake Bay Commission Bi-State Blue Crab Advisory Committee Photo: NOAA

16 “Ain’t nobody really knows about crabs.” Anonymous waterman Photo: NOAA

17 How much is too much? Will the Blue Crab go the way of the Shad, the Oyster, and the Sturgeon? Photo: NOAA

18 “The Chesapeake fishery is perilously close to collapse.” William T. Goldsborough Director of Fisheries Program Chesapeake Bay Foundation Photo: NOAA

19 Graph:VA/MD Sea Grant

20 Blue Crab Today: 42 / 100 Graphic: Chesapeake Bay Foundation

21 The Bay’s Last Major Commercial Fishery Photo: NOAA

22 “If the blue crab goes, where are we?” Anson “Tuck” Hines Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Scientist Photo: NOAA

23 Your task today is to: Work in a team to complete your Knowledge Menu Develop recommendation to help the blue crab population Share your and support recommendation with the class Photo: VA/MD Sea Grant

24 Blue Crab Stations: I. Taxonomy II. Behavior III.Habitat & Environmental Data IV.Anatomy and Physiology V.Life Cycle VI.Growth VII. Predators VIII. Economics & Other Factors * 5 Questions at each station *

25 Knowledge Menu Graphic: N. Hamm

26 Good Luck and Happy Crabbing! Photo: NOAA

27 Graphics Courtesy of… Bi-State Blue Crab Advisory Committee Chesapeake Bay Foundation Maryland Sea Grant Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Virginia Institute of Marine Science Rhonda Hawley Martha Vogel Steve Szinski (Blue Crab Archives)

28 The End. Photo: NOAA

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