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Life in an Ocean Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice Phonics Practice High Frequency Words Additional Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in an Ocean Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice Phonics Practice High Frequency Words Additional Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in an Ocean Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice Phonics Practice High Frequency Words Additional Resources

2 What is in an ocean environment? Question of the Day

3 Compare and Contrast In this book, some things are alike and some things are different. Alike means telling how things are the same. Different means telling how things are not the same. Fish and crabs are alike because they both live in the ocean. Fish and crabs are different too. Fish swim in the ocean and crabs walk on the floor of the ocean. Fish have fins and crabs have legs.

4 Amazing Words

5 the fish is little

6 The fish is little.



9 Aa

10 S Word Practice am

11 have is

12 isto theam



15 Nouns for more than one How many oceans were named in our selection today? Let's count them... one, two, three, four. We counted more than one ocean. We counted four oceans.

16 Let’s Write About the Beach I am going to write a sentence that we can use for our pictures at a beach. When we write a sentence, we use an uppercase letter for the first word. The uppercase letter in this sentence is T. The sentence also ends with a period. The boys and girls play at the beach.


18 Question of the day How are fish and crabs different?

19 pam will have this bat

20 Pam will have this bat.

21 Shared Reading Page 3 What is this page called? Can you tell me what page "What Are Oceans?" is on? Pages 4–5 What is an ocean? Pages 6–7 Which ocean is the largest ocean? The Pacific Ocean is the largest, but there are other oceans too. There is the Atlantic ______, the Indian ______, and the Arctic ______.

22 Shared Reading Pages 8–9 Which animals swim in oceans? Have you ever seen fish like this? Pages 10–11 What ocean animals have hard shells? Pages 12–13 What do sharks hunt for How do you think the fins and sharp teeth help sharks hunt?

23 Shared Reading Pages 14–15 What is one kind of ocean plant? Where does seaweed grow? Pages 16–17 What is another kind of ocean plant? Why do you think fish hide in it? Pages 18–19 What grows on the ocean floor in shallow water? Do you think sea grass looks like grass you have seen?

24 Shared Reading Pages 20–21 What do ocean animals eat? Tell me what you see in this picture. Pages 22–23 What is this? Page 24 What is this?

25 Compare and Contrast How are kelp and sea grass alike? How are they different? How are fish and sharks the same? How are they different from each other?

26 Word Work Aa

27 Word Work Mm

28 Word Work Tt

29 Word Work am

30 Word Work at

31 Word Work mat

32 Word Work the

33 Word Work to

34 Word Work a

35 I

36 little

37 Word Work have

38 Word Work is





43 Let’s Write nouns for more than one These are grapes. The word grapes names this fruit. Naming words are called nouns. Sometimes a noun can name just one thing, like a grape, or more than one thing, like grapes.

44 Let’s Read

45 Question of the day Where does a crab take a nap at night?

46 fish swim in the ocean

47 Fish swim in the ocean.

48 Compare and Contrast What is a way that sharks and crabs are alike? How are sharks and crabs different?

49 Word Practice ta

50 tam

51 pam

52 tac

53 ma S

54 ma T

55 ta

56 ma

57 to a the I am little have is

58 c ra b re d sa

59 d go o db y em



62 Let’s Read

63 Let’s Write My ocean home is ____________. My ocean home is a shell.

64 Question of the day How are a fish and a crab alike?

65 fish can swim all day

66 Fish can swim all day.


68 aamhavelittleisI




72 Let's write nouns for more than one I will say a noun, and you tell me what the word becomes when there is more than one. shark: one shark, two ______ shell: one shell, three ______ fin: one fin, four ______ crab: one crab, five ______ ocean: one ocean, six ______ plant: one plant, seven _______ animal: one animal, eight _____

73 Question of the day What is in an ocean environment?

74 i have a little Crab.

75 I have a little crab.

76 have

77 is

78 the

79 little

80 to

81 a

82 am

83 I

84 Yy

85 Zz

86 Rr

87 Ss

88 Ww

89 Xx

90 Qq

91 Tt

92 Oo

93 Pp

94 Mm

95 Uu

96 Aa

97 Vv

98 Ee

99 Hh

100 Ee

101 Kk

102 Jj

103 Bb

104 Gg

105 Ii

106 Cc

107 Ll

108 Dd

109 Nn

110 Additional Resources Build a Habitat Sea Animals Game Cookie Monster-letter Aa Starfall- letter Aa Starfall- Make a word with –at Sea Animal Ideas Carl’s Corner- -at word family activities

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