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Cancer. Cancer is said to have been the place for the Akkadian Sun of the South, perhaps from it’s position at the Summer Solstice in very remote aquanity,

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer. Cancer is said to have been the place for the Akkadian Sun of the South, perhaps from it’s position at the Summer Solstice in very remote aquanity,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer

2 Cancer is said to have been the place for the Akkadian Sun of the South, perhaps from it’s position at the Summer Solstice in very remote aquanity, but after words it was associated with the fourth month Duzy, and was known as the Northern Gate of Sun. History

3 *Acubens *Altarf *Asellus Borealis *Asellus Australius *Tegmen Stars in my Constellation

4 *The distance from earth to Cancer is 290 light years. *The magnitude of Cancer is 3.5. *The stars in our constellation are fainted colors. Other Things About Cancer

5 * Cancer is best seen in March at 9:00 P.M. *Cancer plays a minor roll in the 12 labors of Hercules. *The modern symbol for Cancer is the pinchers of a crab. *Cancer is famous dispite itself due to it’s zodiac symbols. Interesting Facts about Cancer

6 Pictures of cancer

7 * e:CancerCC_cropped.jpg * er.html * 108&bih=619&q=cancer+the+constellation&oq=cancer+the+&gs_l=im g.1.2.0l10.2648.5290.0.8088. c.1.61.img..0.11.112.bl1UpavfNE8#tbm=isch&q=cancer+the+crab+con stellation+pictures&imgdii=_&imgrc=7GpVOTSP_51zQM%253A%3Boj %252Ff%252F1165795738%252FCancer%252520Stars.jpg%3Bhttp%25 stars.html%3B322%3B310 Resources

8 The End

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