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An Overview of the Alaska Board of Fisheries Process John Jensen, Board Member Boards Support Section, Alaska Dept. Fish and Game 907-465-4110 website:

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of the Alaska Board of Fisheries Process John Jensen, Board Member Boards Support Section, Alaska Dept. Fish and Game 907-465-4110 website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of the Alaska Board of Fisheries Process John Jensen, Board Member Boards Support Section, Alaska Dept. Fish and Game 907-465-4110 website:

2 Outline Purpose and composition of BoardPurpose and composition of Board Steps in board processSteps in board process Input on board decisionsInput on board decisions –Public –Agency Legal and policy factors in board decisionsLegal and policy factors in board decisions –Statutes and regulations –Policies and findings Ways to get involvedWays to get involved

3 Board Purpose Established for the purpose of conservation and development – AS 16.05.221Established for the purpose of conservation and development – AS 16.05.221 Board of Fish (F) and Game (G) members from left to right: Bob Mumford (G), Orville Huntington (F), Reed Morisky (F), Sue Jeffrey (F), Tom Kluberton (F), John Jensen (F), Karl Johnstone (F), Nick Yurko (G), Ted Spraker (G), Teresa Sager Albaugh (G), Stosh Hoffman (G), Fritz Johnson (F), Nick Probasco (G). Not pictured: Nate Turner (G).

4 Board Composition 7-members – appointed by Governor, confirmed by full Legislature7-members – appointed by Governor, confirmed by full Legislature Members shall be appointed on the basis of –Members shall be appointed on the basis of – –“interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, and ability in the field of action of the board, and with a view to providing diversity of interest and points of view in the membership.” 2013/2014 Board members Karl Johnstone, Chair, Anchorage Tom Kluberton, Vice Chair, Talkeetna John Jensen, Petersburg Orville Huntington, Huslia Sue Jeffrey, Kodiak Reed Morisky, Fairbanks Fritz Johnson, Dillingham

5 Proposal Process Call for ProposalsCall for Proposals Distribution of ProposalsDistribution of Proposals Public Review and CommentPublic Review and Comment Board Regulatory MeetingBoard Regulatory Meeting ImplementationImplementation

6 Proposal Form Typically due April 10 of each year.Typically due April 10 of each year. Up to 300 – 400 proposals a year.Up to 300 – 400 proposals a year.

7 2012/2013 Sources of Proposals

8 Board of Fisheries Meeting Cycle 2013/2014 (2016/2017, 2019/2020 …)2013/2014 (2016/2017, 2019/2020 …) –Chignik, Lower and Upper Cook Inlet, and Kodiak finfish, and Statewide King and Tanner Crab 2014/2015 (2017/2018, 2020/2021 …)2014/2015 (2017/2018, 2020/2021 …) –Prince William Sound finfish, Southeast and Yakutat finfish and crab, Statewide Dungeness and other shellfish 2015-2016 (2018/2019, 2021/2022 …)2015-2016 (2018/2019, 2021/2022 …) –Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands/Chignik, Arctic/Yukon/Kuskokwim, Bristol Bay, and Statewide finfish

9 The Typical Board Meeting All elements of building a clear record * board findings #2000-200-FB and #2000-199-FB describe committee process Introductions, ethics disclosuresDepartment Staff ReportsPublic TestimonyCommittees (small and COTW)DeliberationsMiscellaneous Business

10 Sources of Public Input General publicGeneral public Industry, associationsIndustry, associations Local, state, federal governmentsLocal, state, federal governments Tribal governments and village councilsTribal governments and village councils LegislatorsLegislators Fish and game advisory committees (84 statewide)Fish and game advisory committees (84 statewide)

11 Local Fish and Game Advisory Committees Arctic Region: 9 Kotzebue, Lower Kobuk, Noatak/Kivalina, Northern Norton Sound, Northern Seward Peninsula, North Slope, St. Lawrence, Southern Norton Sound, Upper KobukKotzebue, Lower Kobuk, Noatak/Kivalina, Northern Norton Sound, Northern Seward Peninsula, North Slope, St. Lawrence, Southern Norton Sound, Upper Kobuk Interior Region: 15 Central, Delta, Eagle, Fairbanks, G.A.S.H., Koyukuk River, Lake Minchumina, McGrath, Middle Nenana River, Middle Yukon, Minto/Nenana, Ruby, Tanana/Rampart/Manley, Upper Tanana/Fortymile, Yukon FlatsCentral, Delta, Eagle, Fairbanks, G.A.S.H., Koyukuk River, Lake Minchumina, McGrath, Middle Nenana River, Middle Yukon, Minto/Nenana, Ruby, Tanana/Rampart/Manley, Upper Tanana/Fortymile, Yukon Flats Southcentral Region: 18 Anchorage, Central Peninsula, Cooper Landing, Copper Basin, Copper River/PWS, Denali, Homer, Kenai/Soldotna, Matanuska Valley, Mt. Yenlo, Paxson, Seldovia, Seward, Susitna Valley, Tok Cutoff/Nebesna Road, Tyonek, Valdez, WhittierAnchorage, Central Peninsula, Cooper Landing, Copper Basin, Copper River/PWS, Denali, Homer, Kenai/Soldotna, Matanuska Valley, Mt. Yenlo, Paxson, Seldovia, Seward, Susitna Valley, Tok Cutoff/Nebesna Road, Tyonek, Valdez, Whittier Southeast Region: 23 Angoon, Craig, East Prince of Wales, Edna Bay, Elfin Cove, Hydaburg, Hyder, Icy Straits, Juneau-Douglas, Kake, Ketchikan, Klawock, Klukwan, Pelican, Petersburg, Port Alexander, Saxman, Sitka, Sumner Strait, Tenakee, Upper Lynn Canal, Wrangell, YakutatAngoon, Craig, East Prince of Wales, Edna Bay, Elfin Cove, Hydaburg, Hyder, Icy Straits, Juneau-Douglas, Kake, Ketchikan, Klawock, Klukwan, Pelican, Petersburg, Port Alexander, Saxman, Sitka, Sumner Strait, Tenakee, Upper Lynn Canal, Wrangell, Yakutat Southwest Region: 12 Central Bering Sea, Chignik, False Pass, King Cove, Kodiak, Lake Iliamna, Lower Bristol Bay, Lower Kuskokwim, Naknek/Kvichak, Nelson Lagoon, Nushagak, Sand Point, Togiak, Unalaska/Dutch HarborCentral Bering Sea, Chignik, False Pass, King Cove, Kodiak, Lake Iliamna, Lower Bristol Bay, Lower Kuskokwim, Naknek/Kvichak, Nelson Lagoon, Nushagak, Sand Point, Togiak, Unalaska/Dutch Harbor Western Region: 7 Bethel, Central Bering Sea, Central Kuskokwim, Lower Kuskokwim, Coastal Yukon, Mid-Lower Yukon, Stony/HolitnaBethel, Central Bering Sea, Central Kuskokwim, Lower Kuskokwim, Coastal Yukon, Mid-Lower Yukon, Stony/Holitna

12 Agency Input Alaska Dept. of Fish & GameAlaska Dept. of Fish & Game –Commercial Fisheries Division –Sport Fish Division –Subsistence Division Dept. of LawDept. of Law Dept. Public Safety/Division of Alaska Wildlife TroopersDept. Public Safety/Division of Alaska Wildlife Troopers Commercial Fisheries Entry CommissionCommercial Fisheries Entry Commission North Pacific Fishery Management Council (federal)North Pacific Fishery Management Council (federal) Office of Subsistence Management (federal)Office of Subsistence Management (federal)

13 Legal Framework for Decisions Board Decisions Policies Regulations Statutes Court Rulings International Treaties Constitution

14 Alaska Constitution Article 8, Section 4 “Fish, forests, wildlife, grasslands, and all other replenishable resources belonging to the State shall be utilized, developed, and maintained on the sustained yield principle, subject to preferences among beneficial uses” (Article 8, Section 4)

15 Alaska Statutes Board of Fisheries Authority (AS 16.05.221; AS 16.05.251)Board of Fisheries Authority (AS 16.05.221; AS 16.05.251) “Conservation and Development” “Conservation and Development” Powers and Duties of the Commissioner (AS 16.05.050)Powers and Duties of the Commissioner (AS 16.05.050) Alaska Administrative Procedures Act (AS 44.62)Alaska Administrative Procedures Act (AS 44.62) Open Meetings Act (AS 44.62.310)Open Meetings Act (AS 44.62.310) Executive Branch Ethics Act (AS 39.52)Executive Branch Ethics Act (AS 39.52)

16 More Alaska Statutes Allocation Criteria (AS 16.05.251(e) and #91-129-FB)Allocation Criteria (AS 16.05.251(e) and #91-129-FB) –history of each fishery –number of participants –importance for personal and family consumption –availability of alternative resources –importance in local, regional, and state economy –importance for providing recreational opportunity Management of Wild and Enhanced Stocks (AS 16.05.730)Management of Wild and Enhanced Stocks (AS 16.05.730) State Subsistence Law (AS 16.05.258)State Subsistence Law (AS 16.05.258)

17 Subsistence Determinations Steps when reviewing subsistence regulations

18 Board Regulations and Policies Sustainable Salmon Fisheries Policy (5 AAC 39.222)Sustainable Salmon Fisheries Policy (5 AAC 39.222) Escapement Goal Policy (5 AAC 39.223)Escapement Goal Policy (5 AAC 39.223) Mixed Stock Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.220 and #93-145-FB)Mixed Stock Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.220 and #93-145-FB) Emerging Fisheries (5 AAC 39.210)Emerging Fisheries (5 AAC 39.210) see list of all board findings at

19 Procedures for Out-of-Cycle Actions Board of Fisheries Agenda Change Request Policy (5 AAC 39.999) Joint Board Emergency Petition Policy (5 AAC 96.625(f)) Subsistence Proposal Policy (5 AAC 96.615(a)) Category 2 measures in BS/AI King/Tanner crab fishery (5 AAC 39.998)

20 Getting Involved Board’s email listBoard’s email list – Written comments on proposalsWritten comments on proposals Proposal submissionProposal submission Attend Board meetings and present testimonyAttend Board meetings and present testimony Join or attend your local F&G advisory committeeJoin or attend your local F&G advisory committee Join an industry or stakeholder groupJoin an industry or stakeholder group

21 Summary The Board is a structured process with a high level of participation where credibility is criticalThe Board is a structured process with a high level of participation where credibility is critical RememberRemember –Respect the people and process –Be fact based –Be objective –Don’t debate Board, staff, or other public (and vice versa)

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