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ODFW Marine Data Collection Efforts Northwest Area Committee Meeting November 2011 David Fox Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Marine Resources Program.

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Presentation on theme: "ODFW Marine Data Collection Efforts Northwest Area Committee Meeting November 2011 David Fox Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Marine Resources Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODFW Marine Data Collection Efforts Northwest Area Committee Meeting November 2011 David Fox Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Marine Resources Program

2 ODFW Marine Resources Program Responsible for ocean and estuary fish, wildlife, and habitat management Marine Fishery management (state and federal waters) Research and data gathering to support fishery and other resource management Development permit review Marine spatial planning

3 Recent Work Applicable to Spill Planning and Response Shorezone Mapping Oregon Marine Map Estuary Shellfish and Habitat Surveys

4 Shorezone Mapping Low altitude aerial survey (photo and video) Habitat classification and mapping Standard protocols (over 100,000 km surveyed in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and now Oregon Uses – Habitat management – Land use planning – Permit review – Spill response Survey of ocean and estuary shoreline habitats

5 Phase 1: Aerial survey completed June 2011 All ocean shore and estuaries - approximately 1,800 km total

6 Example ocean shore photos Boiler Bay North of Florence Government Point near Depoe Bay

7 Photos from Coos Bay Example estuary photos

8 Phase 2: Classify and Map Shoreline Habitats Mapping protocol Map products Database products

9 Plans for continued work Photography currently available at Complete shoreline classification and mapping (products – shoreline habitat type shapefiles, database) - Spring and Summer 2012 Develop interactive web site (DLCD) - 2012 Example interactive Shorezone web site from Alaska

10 Oregon Marine Map Marine spatial planning – State process – Territorial Sea Plan update for ocean energy development (currently underway) – Federal process – BOEM, FERC, NOAA, others (starting soon) Requires spatial characterization of resources and human uses Mapping Oregon’s Marine Resources and Uses

11 Oregon Marine Map Web-based GIS – Uses Google Earth interface Consolidated existing spatial natural resource data and developed some new data – displayed as data layers in Marine Map Biological Resources (Oregon Ecological Atlas) (ODFW) Fishery Maps (Ecotrust, DLCD, OCZMA) Recreational, maritime infrastructure, other human uses (DLCD) DLCD, ODFW, Ecotrust, The Nature Conservancy

12 Biological Resources Bottom habitat Kelp beds Rocky intertidal shoreline Cape Blanco Gold Beach Brookings

13 Biological Resources Seabird nesting colonies Seabird species diversity Cape Blanco Gold Beach Brookings

14 Important Fishery Areas Brookings/Gold Beach – combined fishing grounds for commercial Dungeness crab, salmon (troll), rockfish (fixed gear), and urchin, and sport Dungeness crab, Pacific halibut, rockfish, and salmon. Cape Blanco Gold Beach Brookings

15 Other Human Uses Newport

16 Current Status of Oregon Marine Map Approximately 50 data layers currently available Will add another 50 in the next month Developed for marine spatial planning but will be useful in all marine resource management applications (need Google earth plug-in)

17 Assess Oregon estuary habitat and shellfish resources 2008: Coos Bay 2010-2011: Tillamook Bay 2012: Yaquina Bay, Netarts Bay 2013 and beyond: additional estuaries Estuary Habitat and Shellfish Surveys

18 Study Goals Quantify Bay Clam – Abundance – Biomass – Habitat characteristics – Spatial distribution Map estuarine habitat Develop methods that are comparable over space and time Digitize and maintain legacy data sets

19 Study uses quantitative sampling methods to determine clam abundance and map estuary habitat n=91 n=90 -0.5 to 0.0m 0.0 to 0.5m 0.5 to 1.0m

20 Example Product – Interactive Clam Maps

21 Example Product – Recreational shellfish harvest areas

22 Questions Shorezone photo products - Marine Map – Shellfish and estuary maps -

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