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(Western) Channel Case - study Channel Fisheries Model cemare.

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Presentation on theme: "(Western) Channel Case - study Channel Fisheries Model cemare."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Western) Channel Case - study Channel Fisheries Model cemare

2 Area of study: boundaries

3 Summary 4000 vessels 1700 registered French (6- >25m) 1500 registered UK (4- >25m) Beam, otter, pelagic, dredge, line, nets, pots TACs (sole, plaice, monk, cod…..)

4 Landings Monk Sole (VIIe) Megrim Plaice (VIIe&d)

5 UK Fleet structure > 10m: 69 beamers, 75 trawl, 43 net-line, 41 potters

6 Model: structure

7 Stocks in model (assessed) Age structuredSurplus Prod Bass 7a,f + g Edible crab Bass inshore 7d Lobster Bass offshore 7e inshore Scallops Bass inshore 7e offshore Cuttlefish Western Horse Mackerel Whiting Cod Hake Herring North-east Atlantic Mackerel Megrim Monkfish ((1) L.bud and, (2) L. Pisc)) Plaice d Plaice f+g Plaice e Sole d Sole e Sole f+g 27 Age-structured / 4 SP

8 Stocks not assessed (used previous) In addition (not comprehensively assessed): Pilchard Sprat Squid Whelk Lemon sole Brill Turbot Red gurnard and other Red mullet Flounder Common dab Pollack Ling Black bream (Sole H-K) previous year Many of these species to be assessed in new Working Group called WGNEW

9 > 10m “Importance of species” (2003 – data) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ >80% >77% <10m √ √ √ Coverage

10 Technical interactions/Metiers Define metiers using the Fishing Activity Database (FAD) Trips are allocated by gear, area (species) –By value –Method: multivariate statistics –Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) Size distributions (size of vessels)

11 UK Fleets 5 size categories – 24m 6 main gear types –Towed gear Beam trawl Trawl (otter and mid-water) Dredge –Pelagic –Static Pots, net-line Home ports –Southwest (Newlyn, Brixham and Plymouth) –Eastern (Poole, Hastings) –Other UK (mostly Scottish, some Welsh and other English)

12 Example effort allocation 15-24m (southwest)

13 Fleet economic info in the model Cost structures (2004) –Annual costs (£/vessel) –fuel costs (l/day, price), other running costs (£/day) –Crew shares (%), commissions (%) –Capital costs vessel for depreciation VCU/Quota values Cost information based on survey returns from SEAFISH survey, earlier survey work (updated) and additional financial information provided by fishers (following meetings) Cost information validated at meetings with fishers (Sept and October)

14 Other fleet information Days fished –Inside and outside the area of the model External revenue –From activity outside the area –£/day – assumed constant Fishing powers –Varies by vessel size and metier

15 Prices Vary by age class –Price grades derived from Newlyn market prices length based classes –Converted to age specific prices based on length/age relationship Can vary with level of landings –Advice from last meeting with industry reps (Feb 2006) suggested to keep prices constant

16 Incorporating foreign fleets into the model Fishing mortality of all external fleets included in the total mortality estimate Total catch of “other” fleets estimated in similar fashion to UK vessels Catch allocated to France, Spain, Belgium and Ireland in fixed proportions –Proportions vary by species

17 Recreational fishing Target species: –bass, cod, mackerel, plaice, pollack,whiting, other Number of targeted trips –Changes with stock size based on Nautilus elasticity Catch per trip –Changes in proportion with stock size

18 Other components Environmental impacts –Currently based on a damage index Varies by metier –Damage is function of index and effort per metier Regional economic model –Input/output model

19 Validation Note: model no compliance model or enforcement costs

20 Enforcement MFA report (2006)

21 Enforcement - activity MFA report (2006)

22 Consider: area with total - estimate costs for case study (could also request information?)

23 Summary Over quota (evidence of cod, sole) Mesh size Declaring Sole (VIIe) as sole landed in VIId(?) Other inputs: Imperial, MRAG, CEDEM Use model, update, single species, fleet?

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