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FOSSILS Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

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Presentation on theme: "FOSSILS Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOSSILS Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.

2 Fossils are what’s left of an animal or plant after millions of years.

3 The fossil story is as old as our Earth.

4 We know all about dinosaurs because of the fossils they left behind.

5 Paleontologists study fossils. They put dinosaur bones back together.

6 We can learn about our past by looking at fossils.

7 This crab died millions of years ago. When it died its bones and shell were replaced with stone.

8 How a fossil is made. 1.An animal dies. 2.The soft body parts rot away. 3.The bones sink into the mud or dirt. 4.Water breaks down the bones. 5.The bones wash away. 6.The holes where the bones used to be are filled with tiny pieces of rock. 7.A fossil is formed.

9 This trilobite died on the ocean floor.

10 These fish died long ago. Only their fossils remain.

11 These circles used to be jelly fish. Now they are fossils in the sand.

12 This is the inside of a shell. See the perfect spiral saved in stone.

13 The beauty of nature preserved in stone for millions of years.

14 We can learn about extinct animals by looking at fossils.

15 Fossils tell the story of our past.

16 We know dinosaurs laid eggs because of fossils.

17 We can learn about our Earth by studying fossils.

18 Plants left fossils behind, too.

19 These leaves have been preserved in stone.

20 Ancient leaves left behind an imprint in this rock.

21 QUIZ 1.What is a fossil? _________________ _______________________________ 2. What is a fossil made of? __________ 3. What does a fossil tell us? _________ 4. Name one thing you know about our Earth because of fossils. __________ ______________________________

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