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The Monks Tale By Mohammad Ali Kumail. What is a monk? A monk was/is a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty,

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Presentation on theme: "The Monks Tale By Mohammad Ali Kumail. What is a monk? A monk was/is a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Monks Tale By Mohammad Ali Kumail

2 What is a monk? A monk was/is a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience(To the church).

3 What exactly was a monks job? A monks main job was to worship. They would spend multiple hours during the day praying and meditating. Other than this they would also spend time reading, studying or working on the monestary and on it’s lands. The monks would provide education for the children of the community and also medical care when needed.

4 The Canterbury Tales Monk This monk is nothing like the description above. He is rebellious, he disregards the rules and does what he wants. He hunts hares and goes riding, his clothing is different from a normal monks too. Regular monk Canterbury Tales Monk #SWAG

5 The Monks tale The monks tale is a collection of 16 stories with tragedy being the key point in all of these. The stories included those of: Lucifer Adam Samson Hercules Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar Zenobia Pedro of castile Peter I ofcyprus Bernabo Visconti Ugolino of pisa Nero Holofemes Antiochus Alexander the Great JuliusCaesar Croesus

6 Lucifer’s Tale The original script With Lucifer, though he was angel fair And not a man, with him will I begin;For though Fortune may not an angel dare. From high degree yet fell he for his sin. Down into hell, and he lies yet therein. O Lucifer, brightest of angels all,Now art thou Satan, and thou may'st not win/ From misery wherein thou far did'st fall!

7 Lucifer’s Tale Lucifer before he became known as Satan or the devil, was an archangel. Lucifer as An Angel

8 However when God created the first man (Adam) and asked all his angels to love Adam more than him Lucifer refused. For this crime he was cast out of heaven.

9 And into hell where he became Satan and where he still stays

10 While this is only one of the tales all of the stories the monk tells center around the same idea: People either rising to power or being born with it eventually facing downfall.

11 Resources's_Tale

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