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Mahayaha Buddhism #5 Heian Buddhism (平安仏教) 1 Saicho 最澄 Masayo Urasaki 19 July 2012.

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1 Mahayaha Buddhism #5 Heian Buddhism (平安仏教) 1 Saicho 最澄 Masayo Urasaki 19 July 2012

2 Today ’ s schedule 1) Brief History of Saicho (最澄) 2) Mother of the Japanese Buddhism Mount Hiei( 比叡山) 3) VDO clip from Website “Marathon Monk”

3 Keywords ・ Saicho (最澄)= Denkyo Daishi (伝教大 師) ・ Tendai-shu (天台宗) ・ Mount Hiei (比叡山) /Mount Hiei Enryaku- ji (比叡山延暦寺) ・ Lotus Sutra (法華経) One Viecle (一 乗) ・ Buddha Nature (仏性) ・ Mahayana-Ordination (大乗戒) ・ Sennichi kaiho gyou (千日回峰行)

4 From State Buddhism (Nara) to Institutional Buddhism (Heian)  After Gan-jin came to Japan, Japanese monk receive ordination only three temples (one of them, Todai-ji)  Under the Protection of the State, some monks engaged in Politics. Perceptions were not keeping well so by monks. → Emergence of the New Buddhist Era Heian era ’ s Key person “ Saicho ” and “ Kukai ”

5 Saicho (最澄) One of the Heian Buddhism ’ s super-star  Born at Oumi-province (767-822)  Father was from a Chinese immigrant family  7 yrs old go to studied at Temple, become novice 13 yrs old  18 yrs old, full ordination at Todai-ji (東大寺) in Nara  Lived in a Small hermitage on Mount Hiei 785-797  Study in China and Establishment of Tendai sect

6 Integrated Buddhist Centre of Japan Mount Hiei  Mount Hiei enryaku- temple (比叡山延暦 寺) located at northeast of Kyoto Integrated …..  円 (perfect teaching)  戒 (Mahayana -Vinaya) 、  禅 (Zen ’ s practice)  密 (esoteric Buddhism)

7 What ’ s Saicho ’ s teaching?  Every human being has on the Buddha-nature  All practices lead to Nirvana, the most important thins is to having mind of searching truth.  Be aware of you are already Buddha/Bodhisattva.  Become yourself as brighten men.

8 Study in China ( Official Diplomatic membership 遣唐使)  Since Prince Shotoku, some elected Japanese members go to China officially to study Chinese culture, political system, religions.  Saicho go to China from 804-805. His main purpose is being formal training Tien-dai doctrine.  Gathering the Sutra and bring back to Japan  The trend of that era is Esoteric Buddhism, so he eager to get knowledge.

9 Lotus Sutra (法華経) One Vehicle (一乗)  Saicho ’ s dispute with Tokuitsu (Hosso-shu ’ s monk) Whether all sentient being possess the Buddha- nature? Lotus Sutra ’ s main point “ One Vehicle ” ☆ Three Vehicle 1)suravaka (hearer) 2)pratyekabuddha (solidaly buddha) 3)bodhisattva (buddha to be) This category is only skillful means for salvation. Tokuitsu Saicho No Yes VS

10 Buddha Nature ( 仏性) Everyone has possibility of becoming Buddha  Buddha Nature (Buddha- dhatu, Tathagatagarbha) “Absolutely Positive” attitude toward all Beings  Desires(klesa) don’t separate Buddhahood (煩悩即菩提)  On the Attainment of Buddhahood by trees, plants and earth (草木国土悉皆成仏)

11 Mahayana Ordination/Vinaya (大乗 戒)  From 818, Saicho start movement to independent “ Mahayana Ordination/Vinaya ” of Tendai-sect originally.  Even if monks trained at Tendai sect, monk should be take ordination at other temple.  it means monk should control by the State  Mahayana Ordination - 10 heavy precepts and 48 light precepts.

12 Sennnichi Kaiho Gyou (千日回峰 行)  This practice is so strictly for Tendai ’ s monks  Pilgrimage of Mount Hiei, 1000 days (7 years)  Walking at Mount about 30-60km per day  Finish 700 day, the most strictly practice “ Do-iri (堂 入り) ” No food, No drink, No Sleep, No Lying (recite Mantra 100,000 times) →almost dying After finish all courses, he could be called “ DAI- AJARI (大阿闍梨)

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