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Art of Later Japan Ashikaga Family = Shogun (general- in-chief) 1392-1568.

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Presentation on theme: "Art of Later Japan Ashikaga Family = Shogun (general- in-chief) 1392-1568."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art of Later Japan Ashikaga Family = Shogun (general- in-chief) 1392-1568

2 Common Japanese Aesthetics 1.Love of natural materials 2.Taste for symmetry 3.Sense of humor (lol!) 4.Tolerance of paradoxical/contradictory qualities *paradoxical: seemingly absurd

3 Muromachi Period Marked the ascendance of Zen Buddhism, peaking the Samurai’s interest. Overcame Pure Land Buddhism, which rose in the latter of the Heian Period (794-1185).


5 Ink Painting Ink paintings transitioned from a harsh style to a subtle, Zen-like style during Muromachi. The subjects changed from Monks and Teachers to Chinese-style landscapes.

6 Landscape painted by Bunsei Muromachi period mid - 15th cent. Ink on hanging scroll Depicts atmospheric perspective The white is read as water, illustrating the pure, lonely, and serene spirit of Zen-Buddhism.

7 Winter Landscape by Sesshu Muromachi Period - 1470’s Ink on Paper Traveled extensively as a Buddhist monk Literati: a style that marks the taste of the educated class in East Asia. Sesshu was NOT influenced by literati.

8 Calligraphy Pair by Ikkyu Muromachi Period mid. 15th century Ink on paper A very free expression of traditional calligraphy “Abjure evil, practice only the good.”



11 See any similarities?


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