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Introduction to NTUC's Private Labels

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1 Introduction to NTUC's Private Labels
In Singapore, NTUC FairPrice, the country’s largest food and drink retail chain, is one of the forerunners of house brands. It has a network of more than 200 outlets. FairPrice house brand products were introduced in 1985, to encourage competitive pricing among manufacturers and retailers and to help moderate the cost of living, so as to keep the price of food products fair and reasonable

2 Reasons behind sourcing house brand products
- By sourcing for products from all over the world and going direct to the source, NTUC FairPrice is able to cut down on middleman handling and pass the cost savings to consumers - This strategy has allowed FairPrice to price its house brand products at approximately 10 to 15 percent lower than national brands.”

3 Direct Relationship Lowers Price
Work directly with manufacturers, save on sales force and advertising or even distribution channels and consolidate our group buying power to pass on the savings to consumers by pricing our products more competitively against national brands

4 How consumers felt towards House Brands
- Consumers have started to be more receptive of house brands as retailers are continuously educating them on the [good] quality and lower prices of their house brands. - Consumers are seeing greater value in house brands. And with the economic downturn, many are turning to house brands for instant savings.

5 The 4ps of NTUC fairprice housel abel are as the following
PRICE- the amount of the house labels stay the same regardless if it’s at ntuc fairprice or ntuc finest. However the price of international brands may varies due to the venue. But if we compare house label brand and international brand, usually the houselabel brand tends to be cheaper. This is so to promote their own branding. PLACE- Different venues of NTUC outlet have different consumer in mind. For example, NTUC finest at bukit timah , has a larger variety range wines . This was to cater to the changing tastes of Singaporeans who are increasingly well-travelled. The two-storey outlet has an offering of products different from other FairPrice stores, and also features a Swiss-style Delicatessen, a wine cellar and a European bakery.

6 The 4ps of NTUC fairprice housel abel are as the following
PROMOTION-Inconjution to bulid up a new target market for ntuc finest at bukit timah, NTUC had arranged by Ch'ng Poh Tiong a wine expert giving a lecture on wines, which was well attended. This shows that it was creating a promotion that if you buy the wine, you get to attend the lecture for free.

7 The 4ps of NTUC fairprice housel abel are as the following
PRODUCT- as mention in the place, different venue has different product. As for Bukit timah, the outlet has a wide variety of international product. Such as special cheese imported from Switzerland which other NTUC outlets do not have.

8 Recommendations to enhance NTUC FINEST brand positioning.
As Ntuc finest is a new concept store, our team suggest them to increase brand usage of current users. By doing so this would allow and buy over the usual user to use their house branding by providing good quality and afforadable price. In order to stay competitive, ntuc needs to consistently improve and promote their own house brands to create greater awareness contributing to greater sales

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