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Workshop on Improving Gender Statistics in Rwanda Session 7 Dissemination and Communication of Gender Statistics Serena Lake Kivu Hotel, Rubavu District.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Improving Gender Statistics in Rwanda Session 7 Dissemination and Communication of Gender Statistics Serena Lake Kivu Hotel, Rubavu District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Improving Gender Statistics in Rwanda Session 7 Dissemination and Communication of Gender Statistics Serena Lake Kivu Hotel, Rubavu District March 25-27, 2014 1

2 Learning Objectives At the completion of the module, participants should understand: What should be considered in developing dissemination and communication strategies and plans How to engage effectively with data users in the community What are the main types of products used to disseminate gender statistics Which types of promotional communications activities can support data dissemination How to ensure media releases are effective How to apply the lessons to the Rwanda context Primary references: UNECE and WBI 2010, Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool, Chapter 5 UNSD 2013, Integrating a Gender Perspective in Statistics, Chapter 4 World Bank Gender Data Portal Training Materials Communication and Dissemination 2

3 Dissemination of gender statistics Effective dissemination is critically important to ensure that: available gender statistics are fully utilised, and they continue to be produced and improved in the long term. This involves getting the information to those who need it, in the form that they need it, and when they need it. Both data and metadata should be disseminated and disseminated on schedule. The gender statistics’ dissemination schedule should be incorporated into the statistical agency’s published calendar of forthcoming releases. 3

4 Different methods of dissemination Various methods of dissemination are used to deliver gender statistics and related information to users. A multi-faceted dissemination strategy with a variety of products is generally necessary to meet the needs of different user groups. It is important to identify the core groups within the user community and to engage effectively with them – To better understand and respond to their needs for gender statistics – To better design and plan dissemination and communication campaigns 4

5 Typical target groups for gender statistics Government bodies promoting equal opportunities Other government bodies (e.g., ministries of labour, education etc.) Women’s organisations Research institutions (e.g., focusing on gender-related issues) Libraries and information centres Gender-oriented social institutions (e.g. women’s support centres) Media International organisations 5

6 Examples of mechanisms to engage with core users User advisory groups – Can debate gender statistics work plans and priorities from different user perspectives. – May focus solely on gender statistics or have wider advisory responsibilities. – May be set up for a defined temporary task or have an ongoing role. User satisfaction surveys – Consider views of individual organisations in depth. – Can employ a combination of survey methods, e.g. interview methods for major users and mail-back questionnaires for other users. Workshops or seminars – Convened to discuss directions and priorities in gender statistics, including data gaps. – Can be used also to develop partnerships and coordinate plans across organisations. Focus group discussions 6

7 Group Exercise 7.1 7 1.Which are the typical target groups for gender statistics dissemination in Rwanda? Are there other groups that should be targeted? 2.Which mechanisms would work better in Rwanda for engaging the different target groups for gender statistics dissemination? What resources would be needed to establish and maintain these mechanisms?

8 Disseminating gender statistics: Types of products used 1)Statistical publications presenting results of specific data collections (censuses, surveys, specialized surveys, etc.) 2)Microdata files related to specific data collections 3)Analytical reports or articles 4)Statistical publications focused on gender issues 5)On-line databases 6)Dedicated gender statistics portals on web sites 7)Brochures with gender statistics on particular topics 8

9 1)Statistical publications that present results of specific data collections These dissemination products are part of the regular production of a statistical office. They may be in printed or electronic format. They usually report on one type of data source (e.g., a census, survey or administrative data collection) or a particular statistical topic (e.g., labour statistics). Data can be detailed, organised in large tables, and presented often as absolute values to give users more flexibility in doing their own analysis. A gender perspective can be integrated into these products by systematic sex-disaggregation of data and systematic coverage of data needed to address gender issues. Gender issues may be a primary focus of some specific data collections, such as time use surveys and domestic violence surveys. 9

10 2) Microdata files Specialised dissemination products related to specific data collections. They typically contain very detailed data in unidentifiable unit record form (case by variable format). Intended for specialised researchers who want the full dataset with maximum flexibility for analysis. When the microdata are made available and a gender perspective has been integrated into their collection, these files can be a rich source of data for analysis of gender issues. To protect confidentiality, there may be restrictions on these files, which affect particular types of detail, access and/or use. Any examples from Rwanda? 10

11 3) Analytical reports and articles Disseminate data and analysis findings on specific topics, generally intended for a wide audience. Typically present data in small summary tables and charts and discuss them in accompanying text. – Large tables with more detailed data may be provided in annexes. May cover data from more than one source and from different statistical fields. Usually take into account policy concerns. May integrate a gender perspective through: – data-based analysis of gender issues related to each topic; – illustrations with gender-sensitive tables and charts; and – systematic sex-disaggregation of data presented in annexes of the publication. 11

12 4) Statistical publications focused on gender issues These are a particular type of analytical report: – Addressed to a wide audience, and – Presenting statistical data along with data analysis and interpretation. – A typical example is the ‘Women and Men’ publications produced by many statistical offices An important tool for gender specialists, gender advocates and policy makers. They usually contain data on various statistical topics and from different sources, and cover multiple policy areas and gender issues. Some focus on only one sector or area: – NISR’s xxxxxx May be produced once (ad hoc) or on a regular basis. – Ad hoc: Vietnam’s ad hoc Gender Statistics in Vietnam, 2011 – Every 6 months: Australia’s Gender Indicators – Annually: Rwanda’s National Gender Statistics Report (2012, 2013) – Every 5 years: UNSD’s The World’s Women, Trends and Statistics 12

13 13 An Australian example: a regular gender statistics electronic publication

14 UNSD’s The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics Published every 5 years since 1990. Covers a comprehensive range of gender issues and assesses progress. Compiles data from many sources and agencies Differences between the status of women and men in 8 key areas of contemporary life are highlighted. Statistics on men figure as prominently as statistics on women. Provides a model for similar statistical profiles for countries, regions, etc. /Worldswomen/WW2010pub.htm 14

15 5) On-line databases This type of dissemination product includes – dedicated gender databases as well as – more comprehensive databases (e.g. those focused on a wider range of social or development indicators). Usually targeted towards users interested in undertaking their own analysis and monitoring of developments. Data disseminated in this form usually cover several areas of concern and several points in time or time periods. Data are usually presented in tables and often shown as indicators. 15

16 5) On-line databases (continued) Getting the data in tables allows a large number of users to have broad access to a wide variety of data. – Users can browse the tables and choose those statistics of most interest to them. Some statistical organisations also provide users with the ability to customise their own tables using self-help web-based table-builder products. – The starting point for customised output is often aggregate data at the finest level of detail possible from the microdata file. – Users are then provided with options on how to build their own tables based on themes or variables of interest. – An example is the OECD.Stat web browser which provides a single on- line platform for access to statistical data in OECD databases. Is there any online database available for Rwanda? 16

17 UNSD gender statistics website 17

18 6) Gender statistics portals on web sites Portals (or web pages) are central access points to gender statistics and related information on the web sites of national statistical offices and other agencies. A clearly visible, well-structured and well-maintained portal provides a quick and easy way for users to find what they want from a wide selection of material. A portal can provide direct links to relevant publications, statistical databases, and information on matters such as: – latest developments – availability of gender statistics – key data sources – data limitations – concepts, classifications, methods and standards A portal can also be an important tool for mainstreaming gender in statistical activity by helping to keep it visible for users 18

19 World Bank gender data portal

20 Australia’s Topics@ a Glance - Gender Page

21 Group Exercise 7.2 1.Based on the NISR products that contain sex-disaggregated or gender- relevant data (Handout 2.2), or the National Gender Statistics Report to: – Select one product (census, household survey, specialized survey, other) to disseminate the data and indicators on gender it may contain. What type of publication or dissemination product or different products would you use and why? 2.In your view, what would be the best way to disseminate the sex- disaggregated or gender-relevant statistics already available in Rwanda? What steps would you take to produce the dissemination products and disseminate the statistics? 3.Do you think it would be a good idea to create a gender data portal for Rwanda? Why or why not? What would it take to develop and maintain it? 21

22 Communication with users of gender statistics Communication and dissemination are closely related and intertwined subjects. – Communication: focus is on building relationships with users and encouraging use of gender statistics – Dissemination: focus is on various forms of data provision Communication with users throughout the statistical production process ensures planned outputs and associated dissemination arrangements meet user needs. – For example, user needs should be reflected in the content and timeliness of the product, ease of access to it, availability of associated metadata, and regularity of updates. As a product approaches its planned release date, outreach and marketing activities let users know about it and promote its value to them. 22

23 A communications plan for gender statistics An effective communications or marketing plan can get out the message to core target groups in a well-coordinated and timely manner. Key elements of such a plan include: – Identifying the core target groups – Developing the message to be conveyed to each group – Assigning responsibilities for communications with each target group – Developing media contacts – Analysing feedback from each group It also can be useful to develop and maintain mailing lists or contact lists of those persons interested in gender-related statistics 23

24 Examples of communication activities Prior to release of a gender statistics product List the product in published advices showing forthcoming products and their release dates; Contact key users and relevant advisory groups directly to ensure they are aware of the product’s release date and topic coverage. Day of release Issue a media release about the product and its key statistical messages; Hold an event to formally launch the product using a high profile speaker. Period after release Conduct seminars or information sessions for users to explain and discuss the main findings; Present sessions based on the product at policy forums and conferences; Provide brochures and other exhibits promoting the product at relevant venues. 24

25 5. Some tips on effective media releases General rule – Consider the audience: who are you trying to reach, and how best to reach them? Headline – Needs to be concise, precise and catchy: a hook to stimulate interest in the story – No more than one line Content – Crucial to get the main story across in the first paragraph – Story needs to be clear, informative and easy to understand – Highlight what is new – Avoid complicating the story with too many figures, jargon, technical language – Answer questions such as where, when, what, why, and how, which can be helpful in determining content – Keep to one side of one A4 page if possible Contact details –Place contact details of organisation spokesperson at the end of the release –The spokesperson needs to be well prepared and fluent –Media may want to contact the organisation for reasons such as: an interview; to delve deeper into an issue; for background or supporting information; for examples that humanise important issues, etc. Be ready with the information they may need! 25

26 Exercises 1.Users are seeking easy access to the latest available gender statistics on a range of topics. How would you respond to their needs? 2.How would you develop a dissemination and communication plan for a new gender statistics product? 3.The latest findings from a periodic study of domestic violence are ready for publication. Prepare a mock-up of a media release indicating the type of content you would expect to provide. 26

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