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Dr.Lauranne Dr.Lauranne Company profile Group - Development - Organization.

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2 Dr.Lauranne Dr.Lauranne Company profile Group - Development - Organization

3 F One of the oldest Italian cosmetic company TOTALLY addressed to the beauty salon market. F A 30 years hystory brings Dr.Lauranne to become, from a local company working only in Rome district, a national and then international trade mark, well known especially in Far East Countries. –Due to this great experience, Dr.Lauranne had the challenge to combine worldwide experiences coming from different beauty cultures, thus deriving an international identity. F To a scientific theorical knowledge Dr.Lauranne combines a practical experience about the beauticians requirements, creating a real professional and efficient tool. Dr.Lauranne Dr.Lauranne identity

4 Dr.Laurannephilosophy Dr.Lauranne philosophy F The modern skin-care products are intended to be addressed to the maintainance and, when possible, the increase of the natural balance and structure of the skin, without causing any innatural abnormal alteration to the tissues. – In one sole word, the modern skin-care shall be “ Skin-like products “.

5 Dr.Lauranne Dr.Lauranne strategy F A continous research and development of professional cosmetic tools able to satisfy the necessity of the beauticians and the consumers as well. –Development of exclusive professional products (kits) to emphasize the synergic properties of natural / synthesis raw materials, working with specific application doses and times. –Scientific support of technological tools aiding the beauticians to be considered as a modern and credible professional in the care of various skin problems.

6 Dr.Lauranne Development  All Dr.Lauranne products are : –Realised with the finest and selected raw materials available on the market. –Subject to microbiological control during different working phases. –Not containing substances being harmful to the enviroment. –Not tested on animals.

7 Dr. Lauranne Beauty Chip F A technical co-operation with a medical electronic company has brought the Company to realise innovative tools for skin problem diagnosis and treatments – Face & body electronical stimulators – Flash/Blend/Microwawe epilator – A new-concept laser epilation system

8 Dr.Lauranne research F For a mutual benefit, the realisation of a strong scientific co- operation with an Italian University is presently under establishement, after the positive result obtained with various patch-tests. .

9 Dr.Lauranne Company organization – Administrative area u Financial planning - Management Control - Administration – Production area : u Cosmetic production - Research & development - Microbiologic control – Marketing area –Advertising and communication - Project and strategies - Commercial management

10 Marketing PRODUCTION F Being a manufacturing company, Dr. Lauranne is able to adapt its production with great elasticity to any change of the beautician demands, worldwide, offering also a private- label service, upon request.

11 DR.LAURANNE CLIENT TRAINING F Direct support to Italian beautician with qualified teachers, available to solve any question of technical nature on the Group’s method and products. F Dr.Lauranne pilot centre in Rome, where training courses are continuously held on organised schedules.

12 DR.LAURANNE DEVELOPMENT ABROAD F Support with marketing or technical solutions towards sales agents and/or beauticians being staff of our foreign distributors, with a direct presence of operators coming from the export department as well as from the technical area. F Professional and scientific materials, emphasising the relation with foreign distributors with particular regard in supporting their salestaff. F Direct presence in the most important meetings, exhibitions or tradefairs in the selected country, under foreign distributor supervision.

13 We, the people of Dr. Lauranne…..

14 Profile: F Company founder and Director of Manufacturing is dr. Anna Laura Lampa, born 03/11/1936, chemist, specialized in Cosmetology and Cosmetical Techniques. F In 1971 creator of the skin-care F line named “Dr. LaurAnne”, a F wide range of cosmetics mainly F dedicated to professionals. At Your disposal for any technical information you might require.

15 Profile/2 F Beginning from 1986, Dr. LaurAnne Skin-Care is exported to many foreign countries. F In 1995 a new Company branch is Agami Srl created, named Agami Srl. This branch takes over the distribution abroad ( export branch ). F Export & Managing Director is dr. Gaetano Galeppi, born 22/10/1965, chemist.

16 References: –Bank References: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Ag. 9 North Branch – Rome – Italy account n. 16325. –Turnover and export figures ( euro ):

17 We are at Your Disposal! F DR.LAURANNE SKIN-CARE SKIN-CARE 00175 – ROME – ITALY VIA DEGLI ARVALI 29/31 Tel. +39/062417119*2416847 Fax. +39/062416846 E-mail:

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