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Awards ceremony 2011 Ursa major, bsc 7pm. DID YOU KNOW what YOU ACCOMPLISHED this greek week? Volunteer hours at the pomona beautification: 1,932 hours.

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Presentation on theme: "Awards ceremony 2011 Ursa major, bsc 7pm. DID YOU KNOW what YOU ACCOMPLISHED this greek week? Volunteer hours at the pomona beautification: 1,932 hours."— Presentation transcript:

1 Awards ceremony 2011 Ursa major, bsc 7pm

2 DID YOU KNOW what YOU ACCOMPLISHED this greek week? Volunteer hours at the pomona beautification: 1,932 hours Volunteer hours for st. jude children medical research hospital: 1,188 hours That’s a total of 3,210 Hours!


4 Greek Week 2011 THIS YEAR WE RAISED… $10,986.38

5 HELPING HANDS CARING HEARTS Total Donated: $ 6,966.38 Total Can Goods: 6,708 Cans

6 Congratulations to all graduating seniors! NAME CHAPTER MAJOR

7 CHRISTINA BURMEISTER Memorial SCHOLARSPHIP Presented by: Ben Lopez on behalf of the Burmeister Family

8 Order of Omega Melissa Arroyo-Mendoza Alexis Banuelos Kirstie Benavidez Kimberly Calica Kenneth Dokko Louisa Feletto Matthew Ferns Lia Fulgaro Samantha Gange Jessica Guccione Cecilia Gutierrez Ashley Jenkins Claire Koeneman Cindy-Lee Marsh Stephanie Martin Jillian McIntosh Maya Mosher Sergio Nava Andrea Nechvatal Amelia Newlin Mallory Peebles Reggie Robles Thomas Sirchia Alex Smith Desirae Stermer Hilary Tavolazzi Joephine Tinawin Andy Tuy Steven Vazques Important Dates: Executive Board Elections-May 16 th New Member Initiation: May 23 rd

9 ACADEMICS HIGHEST GPA OVERALL -Fraternity, average for the entire year: 2.98, Omega Psi Phi -Sorority, average for the entire year: 2.93, Chi Omega

10 Donna do award Greek Philantrhopist Of the Year Cindy Loza Lambda Theta Alpha

11 Best nphc chapter Sigma Gamma Rho Σ Γ ΡΣ Γ Ρ

12 Best dgc chapter Delta Δ ΔΔ Δ

13 Best phc chapter Chi omega Χ ΩΧ Ω

14 Best ifc chapter Phi Kappa Tau Φ Κ ΤΦ Κ Τ

15 Best nalfo chapter Lambda Theta Alpha Λ Θ Α

16 Best on campus greek advisor ΦΚΤ - Advisor Traci Lew

17 Best off campus greek advisor ΛΘΑ - Advisor Jasmine Lopez

18 Greek man of the year ΑΦΑ Ryan Scott

19 Greek woman of the year ΛΘΑ Aida Guido

20 Greek leader of the year ΖΤΑ Andrea Nechvatal

21 Greek goddess Quiz bowl: Zeta Tau Alpha Canned structure day: Chi Omega OLYMPICS: Sigma Kappa FOOD FAIR: Sigma Kappa Penny wars: Chi Omega

22 greek goddess Janine Watkins Chi Omega

23 GREEK GOD QUIZ BOWL: Phi Kappa Tau CANNED STRUCTURE DAY: Sigma Chi & Sigma Nu OLYMPICS: Lambda Theta Phi, Gamma Zeta Alpha and Delta Delta FOOD FAIR: Phi Kappa Tau Penny wars: Tau Kappa Epsilon

24 Greek god Freddie Gonzales Phi Kappa Tau

25 Quiz bowl ZETA TAU ALPHA

26 Quiz bowl PHI KAPPA TAU

27 Canned structure SIGMA KAPPA


29 Canned structure SIGMA CHI

30 Greek Olympics ZETA TAU ALPHA And CHI OMEGA

31 Greek Olympics Sigma Nu And Sigma Alpha Epsilon

32 Food fair SIGMA KAPPA $723

33 Food fair Tau Kappa Epsilon $275

34 BEST TASTING FOOD Sigma Kappa And Lambda Theta Phi, Gamma Zeta Alpha, & Delta Delta

35 Lip sync Zeta Tau Alpha

36 Lip sync PHI KAPPA TAU

37 MOST MONEY RAISED Penny Wars: $ 269.90 Basket: $ 13 Food Fair: $ 723 Total: $ 1,005.90 SIGMA KAPPA

38 MOST MONEY RAISED Penny Wars: $238.24 Basket: $43 Food Fair: $275 Total: $556.24 Tau Kappa Epsilon

39 Poly gold Best sorority of the year: Lambda Theta ALPHA Fourth Year in a ROW!!

40 Poly gold Best fraternity of the year: Lambda Theta Phi Second YEAR IN A ROW!

41 Greek week sorority winners Zeta Tau Alpha


43 AND A SPECIAL THANKS TO.. DR. DOUGLAS FREER, VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Donna dolgovin, helping hands caring heart ministry Sue Wise, Bronco Student Center Craig Shibley & Colin & Aaron, ASI A/V Techs Marla Franco & Howard Brown, Parking & Transportation Services CPP, Police department and Kris surber Rick Debruyne, Pomona city commerce Office of student life and cultural centers Greek council All day chairs All the judges!

44 TEAMSWelcomeQuiz BowlCansOlympicsFood FairLip SyncBeautificationBanquetTotal 100200 100 1300 Sigma Chi1008020014000100 720 Sigma Nu100180160200 180100 1220 Sigma Alpha Epsilon10080120200 160100 1060 Phi Kappa Tau100200100140200 100 1140 Triangle9012008020012040100750 Tau Kappa Epsilon80100140160200140100 1020 Zeta Phi Rho10016018060200000700 Lambda, Deltas, & Gamma70140801000 40100630 Phi Sigma Rho100180000080100460 Lambda Sigma Delta30120000 30100400 Zeta Tau Alpha100200180200 100 1280 Alpha Pi Sigma100 00000 300 Kappa Delta100140 160200160100 1100 Chi Omega10080160200 180100 1120 Sigma Kappa100180200140200140100 1160

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