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The Planets By Gustav Holst. Gustav Holst completed this suite of seven tone poems for large orchestra in 1915. According to Holst, “these pieces were.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planets By Gustav Holst. Gustav Holst completed this suite of seven tone poems for large orchestra in 1915. According to Holst, “these pieces were."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planets By Gustav Holst

2 Gustav Holst completed this suite of seven tone poems for large orchestra in 1915. According to Holst, “these pieces were suggested by the astrological significance of the planets…” Therefore, these slides not only allow you to hear the music, they also show you the planets of our solar system, with important facts and pictures, and the Roman or Greek mythological gods for whom the planets were named.

3 Mercury Size:About 1/3 as wide as the Earth Temperature: -279F to 800F Moons: none Mercury orbits the sun in 88 Earth days. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It’s grey surface is covered with craters. Mercury is a ball of rock with no atmosphere.

4 Mercury The planet was named for Roman god “Mercury.” His Greek name was “Hermes”. He was the mythological messenger for Jupiter. Had wings on his hat and his sandals. He played the lyre. He was always ready for action.

5 Mercury Mercury, the Winged Messenger QnSF0K8s&feature=related Shows pictures of Mercury AloL6aE Shows video of orchestra

6 Venus Size:Almost as large as the Earth Moons: none Temperature: 890F Venus is VERY Hot! Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Venus and Earth are called twins because they’re almost the same size. It has thick yellow clouds made of acid. The surface has lots of volcanoes, mountains, and big cracks. Venus orbits around the Sun in 224 Earth days.

7 Venus The planet was named for the Roman goddess “Venus.” Her Greek name was Aphrodite. She was the mythological goddess of love and beauty.

8 Venus Venus, the Bringer of Peace ?v=K1f8HjIkU3M&featur e=related Shows pictures of Venus ?v=PyBkzZoMYN4 Shows video of orchestra

9 Earth Size:7,926 miles in diameter Moons: one Temperature: -130F to 136F Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is mainly made of rock. It has water on the surface and air we can breathe. From space, Earth looks like a blue ball with land that is brown and green, and white clouds.

10 Earth Gustav Holst did not write a piece of music for our planet Earth.

11 Mars Size:About half as big as Earth Moons: two Temperature: -200F to -62F Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is mainly made of rock. Mars is covered with red rocks that are full of iron and have turned rusty. There are huge volcanoes and lots of craters on the surface. Mars’ orbit is equal to almost 2 Earth years.

12 Mars The planet was named for Roman god “Mars.” His Greek name was “Ares”. He was the mythological god of war. He loved bloody wars and had a cold heart; But he was a bad loser and a coward.

13 Mars Mars, the Bringer of War wBTQhl3Y&feature=related Shows pictures of Mars GlL1wexQk Shows video of orchestra

14 Jupiter Size:About eleven Earths across Moons: 60 Temperature: -278F. Jupiter is really cold Mars is the fifth planet from the Sun. It is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is mainly made of liquid and gas, with a small rocky core. Jupiter is orange, red, yellow, brown, and white. It also has a Great Red Spot, which is a constant hurricane. Jupiter’s orbit takes 12 Earth years.

15 Jupiter The planet was named for Roman god “Jupiter.” His Greek name was “Zeus”. He was the mythological king of the gods and god of heaven and earth. In anger, Jupiter hurled his thunderbolt to punish those who deserved it. He was also wise and fair and generous with his praise.

16 “Jupiter” includes a beautiful hymn “I Vow To Thee My Country” which is very popular in England. Here is the popular British singer Charlotte Church performing this song.

17 Jupiter Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 3G6YHp7Y&feature=related Shows pictures of Jupiter 3G6YHp7Y Shows video of orchestra

18 Saturn Size:Over nine Earths in diameter. Moons: 31 Temperature: -292F. Saturn is REALLY cold! Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It is a giant planet with beautiful rings made of pieces of rock and dust. Saturn is mainly made of gas and liquid, with a small rocky core. Saturn is gold, brown, and white. It s rings are gold, brown, white, red, yellow, and green. Saturn’s orbit takes over 29 Earth years.

19 Saturn The planet was named for Roman god “Saturn.” His Greek name was “Cronus”. He was the mythological god of agriculture and harvest time. He held a sickle in his left hand and a bundle of wheat in his right hand. Both the planet and Saturday were named after him.

20 Saturn Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age Qb79SiZrzvw&feature=related Shows pictures of Saturn R23xW7xpm-Y Shows video of orchestra

21 Uranus Size:Uranus is about 4 Earths across Moons: 27 Temperature: -346F. Uranus is SUPER cold! Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. The clouds that circle the planet are greenish- blue. Uranus is a ball of gas with a rocky core. Uranus also has 11 thin rings that surround the planet. Uranus’ orbit takes 84 Earth years.

22 Uranus The planet was named for Greek god “Uranus.” His Roman name was “Caelus”. He was the mythological god of the sky. He was married to Gaia, mother earth. He was connected to the night sky and was also thought of as the rainmaker.

23 Uranus Uranus, the Magician =m5G6ffAOJUk&feature=re lated Shows pictures of Uranus =lGfwxpuY2jY Shows video of orchestra

24 Neptune Size:Neptune is about 4 Earths in diameter. Moons: 11 Temperature: -353F. Neptune is SUPER cold! Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. The planet is surrounded by blue clouds and dark rings. Neptune is a ball of gas with a metal core. Neptune’s orbit takes 165 Earth years.

25 Neptune The planet was named for Roman god “Neptune.” His Greek name was “Poseiden”. He was the mythological god of water and the sea. He was also associated with fresh water, lakes, and springs.

26 Neptune Neptune, the Mystic ub1A1aIk&feature=related Shows pictures of Neptune QGi4gN6gI Shows video of orchestra

27 Pluto Size:Pluto is only 1420 miles across. Moons: 3 Temperature: -390F. Pluto is ALWAYS cold! Pluto is usually the farthest planet from the Sun, but sometimes its orbit passes inside Neptune’s. Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system. Pluto is a ball of frozen gas. It’s orbit takes 248 Earth years.

28 Pluto The planet was named for Roman god “Pluto.” His Greek name was “Hades”. He was the mythological god of the underworld. When Mercury brought souls of the dead to him, Pluto saw that none escaped. His three-headed dog, Cerberus, stood guard at the locked gate of the underworld. He was also rich, for all the treasures in the ground were his.

29 Pluto Gustav Holst did not write a piece of music for Pluto because the planet had not been discovered yet in 1919.

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