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1 Symbolism from Greek and Roman Mythology by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Symbolism from Greek and Roman Mythology by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Symbolism from Greek and Roman Mythology by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen

2 Part I: Greek and Roman Gods 2

3 Mount Olympus 3

4 4

5 Rick Riordan’s Demigods: Tyson, Clarisa, Grover, Annabeth & Percy 5

6 Roman and Greek god Relationships 6

7 Attributes of Greek & Roman gods 7 NOTE: The correct spelling is “Vulcan,” and he is associated with fire, not ice. Just seeing if you were paying attention.

8 Greek God Geneology 8

9 Amazons and Amazon River 9

10 Apollo (Sun God) Apollo Theatre in New York 10

11 Arachne the Weaver Arachnophobia the Movie 11

12 Argus, Argus Camera and Argus Peacock 12

13 Artemis/Diana (the Huntress) and Artemis Fowl 13

14 Athena: goddess of Wisdom Acropolis in Athens, Greece 14

15 Atlas, Atlas Tires & Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged 15

16 Cerberus vs. Fluffy 16

17 Ceres (Goddess of the Harvest) and Cereal 17 Our grandson, Luke has a T-shirt that reads “Cereal Killer.”

18 Cyclops and Tyson 18

19 Janus, Keeper of Doors January, Drama and Janitor 19

20 Juno (Hera) June (Month), Juno (Movie) and Juno and the Paycock (Novel) 20

21 Jupiter (Zeus) Jupiter Giant Planet 21

22 Mars and The Red Planet Martial Arts 22

23 Mercury/Hermes (Messenger God) 23

24 Minerva (goddess of wisdom) Minerva McGonagall 24 The Minerva Schools:

25 Narcissus, Mirror of Erised & Narcissus Flowers 25

26 Nike: Goddess of Victory The Nike Swoosh is said to have been inspired from the statue of Nike in Ephesus, Turkey. 26

27 Orpheus and Euridice in the Underworld Jacques Offenbach’s “Orpheus in the Underworld” 27

28 Persephone, Demeter & Hades and Hell (Dante’s Inferno) 28

29 Pluto/Hades (God of the Underworld) Pluto the Dog and Pluto the Planet 29

30 Poseidon (Neptune) and Percy Jackson 30

31 If you’re interested in The Power of Myth, this is a good book. 31

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