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Greek mythology the twelve Olympians. The Twelve Olympians  Principal Gods in Greek Mythology  Zeus led his siblings to victory in war with The Titans.

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1 Greek mythology the twelve Olympians

2 The Twelve Olympians  Principal Gods in Greek Mythology  Zeus led his siblings to victory in war with The Titans  Group of 12 gods  Said to inhabit the top of Mount Olympus

3  Zeus  Poseidon  Hades  Hestia  Hera  Ares  Athena  Apollo  Aphrodite  Hermes  Artemis  Hephaestus The Twelve Olympians

4 Poseidon & Hades  Poseidon  God of the sea and brother of Zeus  Called up terrible storms or calm the waves  Hades  Ruler of the underworld and Lord of the dead  Unpopular god both with mortals and other gods

5 Hermes  Messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to the Underworld  Used Zeus’s staff as a symbol of status  Patron saint of travellers  Invented running and boxing  Statue at entrance to stadium at Olympia and every gymnasium in Greece

6 Hestia & Hera  Hera  Goddess of marriage and wife of Zeus  Queen of all the Olympians  Beautiful and manipulative  Hestia  Goddess of the hearth and fire  Worshipped as the most ancient of the Olympians  Most fair of all the gods

7 Zeus  Most Powerful god and ruler of Mount Olympus  The God of the sky  Carried a thunderbolt that he threw at people who upset him  Many temples and festivals in his honour  Olympic Games were held in honour of Zeus

8 Ares & Athena  Ares  God of war  The bloodier the battle the better!  Unpopular with both mortals and gods  Athena  Goddess of war, wisdom and skill  Used her father Zeus’s thunderbolt  Patron goddess of Athens

9 Artemis & Hephaestus  Artemis  Goddess of the hunt  Helped her mother deliver Apollo  Associated with childbirth and the patron of pregnant women  Hephaestus  God of fire and crafts (blacksmiths)  Workshop lay under Mount Etna  Created twelve golden thrones of the Olympians and armour for Achilles during the siege of Troy

10 Apollo & Aphrodite  Apollo  God of prophecy, music and healing.  Helped Hector's brother Paris slay Achilles with an arrow in the Trojan war  If someone died suddenly, he was said to have been struck down by one of Apollo's arrows  Aphrodite  Goddess of love, beauty and fertility.  Primary role was goddess of reproduction and fertility,

11 The Titans  Also known as the Elder Gods  Ruled before the Olympians  Cronus was their leader CronusRhea HyperionThemis OceanusTethys CoeusPhoebe IapetusMnemosyne CriusTheia UranusGaia

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