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THE GODS AND GODDESSES OF OLYMPUS.  King of the gods  God of Thunder  Symbol was lightning  Animal was the eagle  Married to Iuno, but he was very.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GODS AND GODDESSES OF OLYMPUS.  King of the gods  God of Thunder  Symbol was lightning  Animal was the eagle  Married to Iuno, but he was very."— Presentation transcript:


2  King of the gods  God of Thunder  Symbol was lightning  Animal was the eagle  Married to Iuno, but he was very unfaithful IUPPITER, IUPPITERIS

3  Queen of the gods  Goddesses of marriage and childbirth  Wife of Iuppiter  Cow and peacock  Crown  Angry and vengeful, especially regarding Iuppiter’s infidelities IUNO, IUNONIS

4  Brother of Iuppiter  God of the sea and earhtquakes  Trident  Horse and dolphin  Married to Amphitrite NEPTUNUS, NEPTUNI

5  Goddess of the Harvest  Mother of Proserpina who was queen of the underworld  Reason we have winter  Wheat, poppy  pig CERES, CERIS

6  Goddess of war and wisdom, weaving  Protector of civilized life  Virgin goddess  owl  Wore aegis of Iuppiter  Gave the bridle to humans and olive trees  Born from Iuppiter’s head in full armor, full grown MINERVA, MINERVAE

7  God of art, medicine, music, poetry, prophecy, reason, light  Son of Iuppiter and Leto  Twin brother of Diana  Bow  Laurel tree  Oracle at Delphi  Dolphin  Lyre APOLLO, APOLLONIS

8  Goddess of the hunt and wild animals  The moon  Cypress tree  Virgin Goddess  Deer  Bow and arrows  Depicted wearing a short dress DIANA, DIANAE

9  Son of Iuppiter  Messenger of the gods  God of commerce  God of thieves  Led souls to the underworld  Symbols include winged sandals, lyre  tortoise MERCURIUS, MERCURII

10  Goddess of love and passion  Born from the sea  Married to Vulcan  Cupid was her son  Mrytle tree  Dove  rose VENUS, VENERIS

11  God of War, violence  Dog, vulture, boar  Lover of Venus  Spear and shield MARS, MARTIS

12  God of the Forge and blacksmiths  Crafts and metal arts  Ugliest of gods  Iuno, his mother threw him off of Mt. Olympus when he was born. This made him lame  Married to Venus  Fire, anvil  Donkey VULCAN, VULCANIS

13  Goddess of the hearth and home  Virgin goddess  Nine priestesses who were called Vestal Virgins  In her temple a fire was always lit VESTA, VESTAE

14  God of the underworld  Brother of Iuppiter  Technically not an Olympian god  Wealth and minerals  Married to Proserpina  Cerberus the 3 headed dog PLUTO, PLUTONIS

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