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Finger Printing. What is finger printing? A finger print is a mark left behind after the ridges on the fingers, hands, toes or feet touch an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Finger Printing. What is finger printing? A finger print is a mark left behind after the ridges on the fingers, hands, toes or feet touch an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finger Printing

2 What is finger printing? A finger print is a mark left behind after the ridges on the fingers, hands, toes or feet touch an object.

3 How they can be left behind. Direct- creates an impression Latent- dirt, sweat, other residue pressed into an object.

4 3 Basic Patterns of Finger Prints 1. Arch 2. Whorl 3. Loop

5 Why it is important in a crime scene. If finger prints are found at the scene of a crime, they can be linked back to that certain person which will link them to that crime scene.

6 3 Techniques used in analyzing Fingerprints. 1. Traditional- on paper imprinting. (ink) 2. Digital- touch pad. 3. Lifting- oil from hands left behind, captured by powder placed on dark-light, light=-dark surfaces.

7 How technology has helped. Fingerprints are now stored in a data base on computers. If a finger print is ran through the computer it can be found much faster than the traditional way of finding them.

8 What is AFIS? AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System)- open 24/7 to help police and give them quick results.

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