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By Christopher I’Anson SJA Advanced Student Doctor and Training officer (2012-13) Keeping your finger on the pulse: Heart and Lungs.

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Presentation on theme: "By Christopher I’Anson SJA Advanced Student Doctor and Training officer (2012-13) Keeping your finger on the pulse: Heart and Lungs."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Christopher I’Anson SJA Advanced Student Doctor and Training officer (2012-13) Keeping your finger on the pulse: Heart and Lungs

2 Aims and Objectives Subjects: Chest pain ACS Angina PE MSK Breathless Asthma COPD PE

3 Causes of Chest pain Write some causes of chest pain on the board Cardiac:Respiratory:Vascular: ACSPEAortic discetion AnginaAsthmaAortic sheer PericarditisInfectionsSickle Cell disease Gastric:MSK:Neurological GastritisCostocondritis Psychiatric OesphagtitsRib # Reflux/HeartburnPulled muscle Trauma

4 SOCRATES is a pain! Site Onset Character Radiation Associated symptoms Timing (before, during, after) Exacerbating and Alleviating factors Severity (1-10)

5 Coronary Vessels

6 ACS: Acute Coronary Syndrome STEMI Non-STEMI Unstable Angina

7 Clinical Features Chest Pain (crushing) Arm +/or neck pain +/or abdominal pain SOB Cool Clammy Sense of Impending doom Nausea and Vomiting Dizziness DEATH

8 Management: ACS Monitor Ask for AED and Oxygen (give O 2 if you can) Aspirin 300mg under tongue or chewed DO NOT SWOLLOW!!! Ambulance HCP if available

9 Angina Momentary blocking/ narrowing of arteries Clinical Features: Chest pain Relieved by GTN and rest Similar to ACS

10 Management: Angina Angina: Rest Get patient to take GTN if they have it Monitor If 1 st episode go to hospital If GTN not relieved treat as ACS!

11 Breathlessness Causes: Asthma COPD PE Exercise Anaphylaxis Shock Trauma

12 OD PEAR Onset Duration Progression Exacerbation Association Relieving What do you get when a pear falls from a tree? Answer: Pear drops

13 Common Presenting Complaints Cough ? Productive ?blood Wheeze Chest pain SOB Fever/night-sweats/rigors ???Calf pain???

14 Lungs: Anatomy and Physiology Airways: Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Gas exchange

15 Asthma Is a long term (chronic) condition characterised by and reversible airway obstruction due to bronchospasms... Symptoms: SOB/ increased RR Cyanosis Cough Mx: Get pt to use inhaler Sit in a good position Oxygen if needed

16 COPD Chronic disease of lungs: Bronchitis and Emphysema CF: SOB Cough Cyanosis Mx: Same as asthma WARNING: use O 2 with caution

17 DEMO The Final Straw!

18 Medicines of COPD and Asthma

19 PE Blood clot in the pulmonary artery CF: Cough blood (not always) Chest Pain SOB Neck vein distension Pain in calf Mx: Oxygen and Hospital ASAP

20 Making sure your history is AMPLE Always ask AMPLE A M P L E

21 THANKS FOR LISTENING Any questions? ?

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