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Welcome to SMART Notebook TM 10.7 Review features and functions and get started quickly To access this tutorial later, go to: SMART Notebook Quick-Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to SMART Notebook TM 10.7 Review features and functions and get started quickly To access this tutorial later, go to: SMART Notebook Quick-Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to SMART Notebook TM 10.7 Review features and functions and get started quickly To access this tutorial later, go to: SMART Notebook Quick-Start Guide

2 If you're using SMART Notebook software with a different SMART hardware product, visit for additional resources related to your product. SMART Board 800 series interactive whiteboard This file introduces you to some of the features of SMART Notebook 10.7 software. Several features require an 800 series SMART Board interactive whiteboard. These features are marked with this icon. 800

3 Pages See and sort your Pages Use the Page Sorter tab to jump to a page by selecting its thumbnail, or reorganize your pages by dragging them into a different order. Add a Page Press the Add New Page button.

4 Write and draw Pick up a pen and write Press the Pen Tray button to change the pen colour. Right click To make your next touch a right click, just press the Right click button on the pen tray. The on-screen keyboard Press the Keyboard button to launch the on-screen keyboard. 800

5 Icon toolbar The toolbar icons let you draw as well as create shapes, lines and text. Press the Selection icon to switch back to Select mode. Write and draw

6 Use your handwriting Select the drop-down menu from the written object. Press Recognize to transform your handwriting into text. Calligraphic pen This pen automatically smooths your writing or drawing. Connect your SMART hardware to use it.

7 Objects Move, resize and rotate Press the leaf and drag it to move it around the page. Resize and rotate To rotate, use the green handle. To resize, use the white handle.

8 Objects Object drop-down menu Press a star and open the drop-down menu. From here, you can group and lock objects. You can also add sound or attach a link to an object. Properties You can change an object's properties using the object's drop-down menu or the Properties tab.

9 Find content in the Gallery Find images, videos, sound files, interactive activities, backgrounds and SMART Notebook pages in the gallery. Just drag and drop to add to your page. Add interactivity with the Lesson Activity Toolkit The Gallery tab also contains templates to help you create your own activities. Engage your students with interaction. Gallery content

10 Using touch recognition Work more naturally Use your finger, pen and palm or fist to switch naturally from writing to erasing. Use the pen to write, your finger to drag, and your palm to erase. 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

11 Collaborate more Students can work together on the interactive whiteboard by writing, moving objects and interacting at the same time. Working together 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

12 Using object awareness Love the pen? Press the pen to the toolbar icon to draw with it instead. 800 Work flexibly Want to use your finger to draw? Press a toolbar icon with your finger. Press the video file to view the gesture.

13 Practice using object awareness 800 Press a toolbar icon with your finger and another icon with your pen and see what you can do. To switch back to Select mode, press the Selection icon with your finger and put down the pen.

14 Pages and gestures Zoom and pan Use two fingers to zoom or pan anywhere on the page. To zoom, pan and swipe Press your fingers to an empty area of the page. Gesture tip 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

15 Swipe to navigate Swipe one finger across the interactive whiteboard to move between pages. Swipe here to go to the next page Pages and gestures 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

16 To rotate and resize Begin with two fingers on the object. Gestur e tip Gestures Use gestures to rotate and resize. Object gestures Press two fingers on the leaf to rotate or resize it. Press the video files to view the gestures. 800

17 Flick Use gestures to flick objects. Object gestures Flick the object quickly with one finger to send it flying across the page. Press the video file to view the gesture.

18 To circle tap Use the eraser or your palm to draw the circle and to tap in the centre. Gestur e tip Tips and tricks More gestures Press one finger to the interactive whiteboard and tap the interactive whiteboard with another finger to right click. To erase a large area, draw a circle around it using any eraser, then tap in the center of the circle. 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

19 Lockable pen option If you want to use your SMART Board interactive whiteboard with a sock, Koosh ball, tennis ball or pointer, turn on the Lockable pen option. Press another pen color button to turn off the Lockable pen option and go back to using your pen, finger and palm. Press and hold a pen color button until it flashes. This locks the interactive whiteboard so any tool, not just your finger or pen, can be used with the board. 800 Press the video file to view the gesture.

20 Download lessons Download teacher-created lessons from the SMART Exchange Search by subject and grade. See what other teachers are trying and loving. Download and modify lessons to suit your teaching style.

21 Discover the new EDCompass blog It's the perfect place for educators to find posts on the latest education news, resources and inspiring ideas for using SMART products in the classroom. Discover EDCompass t o the blog today! Subscribe

22 Now try it yourself Start exploring and creating For additional help, tutorials or information on training sessions, use the Help menu or go to


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