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Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 1 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Standard Table Top Discussion Units IFU Manual.

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1 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 1 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Standard Table Top Discussion Units IFU Manual

2 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 2 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Standard Table Top Discussion Units Init / De-Init Solder spot j1  Solder spot J1 Open (default): Normal operation Closed: Microphone LED-ring will begin to flash when the last 60 seconds of speech time remains NOTE: If J1 is ‘closed’ when the ‘Voice’ activation mode is selected, the microphone LED-ring will remain lit when speaking into the microphone.  Init / De-Init microswitch for resetting the unit’s address

3 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 3 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Table Top Concentus Units I&O Manual

4 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 4 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Table Top Concentus Units Type LBB3544 45 46 47  Solder spot 1070 Open (default): Normal operation Closed: Microphone LED-ring will begin to flash when the last 60 seconds of speech time remains NOTE: If 1070 is ‘closed’ when the ‘Voice’ activation mode is selected, the microphone LED-ring will remain lit when speaking into the microphone.  Init / De-Init microswitch for resetting the unit’s address Init / DE-Init

5 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 5 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 Table Top Concentus Units Future prospects not yet available in the SW! Solder spots 1170 Open (default) : Normal operation Closed : The intercom function is no longer available (see Note) NOTE: If 1170 is closed, the functionality of solder spots 1171 and 1172 is available (for example - an external make contact can be connected to PINS 1 and 2 of the intercom connector for ‘FRAude’ (Fraud push_ button) and ‘FINger’ (Finger print reader) operation. Solder spots 1171 Open (default) : Normal operation Closed : ‘FRAude’ bit is available via the intercom connector (see Note) Solder spots 1172 Open (default) : Normal operation Closed : ‘FINger’ bit is available via the intercom connector (see Note) NOTE: If solder spot 1170 is closed a choice of only one of the functions is available ‘FRAude’ or FINger’ NOT both. FIGURE 2- 11 PCB layout conference (Concentus) units Solder spot

6 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 6 DCN SA PO TTU 30.11.2004 DCN Table Top Units End of section  Robert Bosch GmbH All rights are reserved. Reproduction or passing on to third parties in whole or in parts is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.

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