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Analyse existing products – ACCESS FM & strengths & weaknesses

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1 Analyse existing products – ACCESS FM & strengths & weaknesses
Product Analysis ACCESS FM Learning Intention: Analyse existing products – ACCESS FM & strengths & weaknesses

2 Aesthetics The train has lots of bright primary and secondary colours so that young children will find it interesting It has rounded edges and smooth surfaces because they make it feel nicer to hold and gives it a better quality finish

3 Customer It would be used by small children aged less than 3 years It would be bought by adults so must look like a quality, safe product and value for money

4 Cost The cost of this train is $15 – this is similar to other toys on the market Low manufacturing costs (if by hand)

5 Environment The train is made from Pine or Ash – these are fast growing woods so can be sustainable if replaced Unlikely that the wood will be recycled. Could be repaired with PVA glue if needed Not using manufactured woods prevents the use of harmful glues (urea formaldehyde)

6 Safety No sharp edges so children cannot cut themselves
Wood paint non-toxic Painted, so can be wiped and kept hygienic No moving parts where children can catch their fingers Parts are too big to present a choking hazard Hazard if someone steps on it?

7 Size The train and blocks are made to fit inside the child’s hand
The holes in the blocks are larger than a finger, so fingers do not get stuck

8 Function Lots of blocks that can be taken off and put back in a variety of ways Helps children learn about shapes and motor skills Coated so easier to clean Easy and simple to use

9 Materials & manufacture
Made from either Pine or Ash (European product) If by hand – tenon saw, pillar drill, PVA glue CIM, if large quantities to ensure all the same size

10 Strengths, Weaknesses and how it could be improved

11 Task Carry out an in-depth analysis of two existing and different slot together toys using ACCESS FM You can do this anyway you like: word doc, by hand, PPP, video... Create a montage of a range of images to help inspire your designing – animals, objects, plants, cars... You should spend about 1 hour on this task

12 Assessment Criteria A – You have analysed 2 products in-depth, including materials and manufacturing. You have justified all your comments. It’s obvious you have carried out additional research B – You have analysed 2 products in-depth but crucial parts – such as how it was made – are missing C – You have analysed 2 products covering most points D- You have described 2 products

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