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Dynamics of a Continuous Model for Flocking Ed Ott in collaboration with Tom Antonsen Parvez Guzdar Nicholas Mecholsky.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics of a Continuous Model for Flocking Ed Ott in collaboration with Tom Antonsen Parvez Guzdar Nicholas Mecholsky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics of a Continuous Model for Flocking Ed Ott in collaboration with Tom Antonsen Parvez Guzdar Nicholas Mecholsky

2 Dynamical Behavior in Observed Bird Flocks and Fish Schools

3 1.Flock equilibria 2.Relaxation to equilibrium 3.Stability of the flock 4.Response to an external stimulus, e.g. flight around a small obstacle: poster of Nick Mecholsky Our Objectives- Introduce a model and use it to investigate:

4 Characteristics of Common Microscopic Models of Flocks 1.Nearby repulsion (to avoid collisions) 2.Large scale attraction (to form a flock) 3.Local relaxation of velocity orientations to a common direction 4.Nearly constant speed, v 0

5 Continuum Model Many models evolve the individual positions and velocities of a large number of discrete boids. Another approach (the one used here) considers the limit in which the number of boids is large and a continuum description is applicable. Let The number density of boids The macroscopic (locally averaged) boid velocity field

6 Conservation of Boids: Velocity Equation: 4 1 2 3 Governing Equations:

7 (1). Short range repulsion: This is a pressure type interaction that models the short range repulsive force between boids. The denominator prevents  from exceeding  * so that the boids do not get too close together.

8 Here   -1 represents a ‘screening length’ past which the interaction between boids at and becomes ineffective. In this case, satisfies: and U satisfies: These equations for u and U apply in 1D, 2D, and 3D. (2). Long-range attraction:

9 Our choice for satisfies: (3). Velocity orientation relaxation term:

10 (4). Speed regulation term: This term brings all boids to a common speed v 0. If |v| > v 0 (|v| < v 0 ), then this term decreases (increases) |v|. If, the speed |v| is clamped to v 0.

11 We consider a one dimensional flock in which the flock density, in the frame moving with the flock, only depends on x. Additionally, v is independent of x and is constant in time (v 0 ): Equilibrium

12 Equilibrium Equations:

13 The equilibrium equations combine to give an energy like form where  depends on a dimensionless parameter   defined below) and both  and x are made dimensionless by their respective physical parameters  * and   Equilibrium Solutions

14 and the density at x = 0 is determined to be An Example

15 Solving the potential equation, we get The profile is symmetric about

16 Waves and Stability Equilibrium : Perturbations :

17 and the notation signifies the operator Basic Equation: where:

18 Long Wavelength Expansion Ordering Scheme:

19 Analysis: Inner product of equation for with annihilates higher order terms to give:

20 Comment: The eigenfunction from the analysis represents a small rigid x-displacement whose amplitude varies as exp(ik y y + ik z z).

21 We have also done a similar analysis for a cylindrical flock with a long wavelength perturbation along the cylinder axis. Cylindrical Flock

22 Numerical Analysis of Waves and Stability Use a standard algorithm to determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The solutions give all three branches of eigenvalues and their respective eigenfunctions. Linearized equations are a coupled system for ,  v x, and  v y. Discretize these functions of position, and arrange as one large vector.

23 Preliminary Conclusions From Numerical Stability Code:  All eigenmodes are stable (damped).  For small k (wavelength >> layer width), the damping rate is much larger than the real frequency.  For higher k (wavelength ~ layer width), the real frequency becomes bigger than the damping rate.

24 Flock Obstacle Avoidance We consider the middle of a very large flock moving at a constant velocity in the positive x direction. The density of the boids is uniform in all directions. The obstacle is represented by a repulsive Gaussian hill

25 Fourier-Bessel transform in Solution using Linearized System Add the repulsive potential, linearize the original equations

26 Black = Lower Density, White = Higher Density




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