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1 Parallelisms of Quadrics Bill Cherowitzo University of Colorado Denver Norm Johnson University of Iowa 4 th Pythagorean Conference, Corfu Greece 31 May.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Parallelisms of Quadrics Bill Cherowitzo University of Colorado Denver Norm Johnson University of Iowa 4 th Pythagorean Conference, Corfu Greece 31 May."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Parallelisms of Quadrics Bill Cherowitzo University of Colorado Denver Norm Johnson University of Iowa 4 th Pythagorean Conference, Corfu Greece 31 May 2010

2 2 General Parallelisms Given a finite set X of size n and the set F, of all the subsets of X of size t ( t ≤ n), a parallelism is a partition of F into subsets, each of which is a partition of X. The divisibility condition, t|n, is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a parallelism. When the set F is restricted in any way, the existence guarantee is lost.

3 3 General Parallelisms While modeled by the parallel line structure of an affine plane, the general form of a parallelism with restrictions on the set F has been useful in many areas of combinatorics … graph theory (factorizations), design theory (resolutions), and other geometric settings where F does not necessarily consist of lines.

4 4 Parallelisms of Quadrics X will consist of the points (or almost all of the points) of a non- degenerate quadric Q in PG(3,K). F shall consist of the planes which intersect Q in conics (or these conics of intersection themselves). A partition of Q (or almost all of the points of Q ) by elements of F is called a flock of Q.

5 5 Hyperbolic Quadrics In PG(3,q), all flocks of hyperbolic quadrics are known (Thas, Bader- Lunardon). Every finite flock lies in a transitive parallelism (Bonisoli).

6 6 Elliptic Quadrics In PG(3,q), there are q 3 + q non- tangent (secant) planes. A flock of an elliptic quadric requires q-1 of these planes. There are no finite parallelisms of elliptic quadrics.

7 7 The Infinite Cases Let K be a field of characteristic ≠2 admitting a quadratic extension. Parallelisms of elliptic quadrics Q exist in PG(3,K) arising from line- spread parallelisms coming from a generalized line star of Q (Betten- Riesinger).

8 8 The Infinite Cases For K an arbitrary field, let F be any flock of a hyperbolic quadric H in PG(3,K). Then F is contained in a transitive parallelism of H.

9 9 Quadratic Cones Flocks of quadratic cones have not been classified. A flock of a quadratic cone is a partition of all the points except the vertex into conics. Equivalently, a flock consists of the planes determined by these conics. Normally, it doesn’t matter, but for our result we require the plane interpretation.

10 10 The Spread Connection The planes of a flock can be represented in the form x 0 t – x 1 f(t) + x 2 g(t) + x 3 = 0,  t  K. There is an associated translation plane π with spread set

11 11 The Spread Connection The “conical” translation plane π is mapped to an isomorphic “conical” translation plane by any of the elements of the group:

12 12 The Spread Connection The new “conical” translation planes have spread sets of the form:  The planes of the corresponding flock are disjoint from those of the original.  The set of all images of π under G give rise to a parallelism of the quadratic cone.

13 13 Transitivity of Parallelism The group G used to produce the parallelism does not preserve the original cone. The set of all planes of PG(3,K), not through the vertex of a given cone C with flock F is partitioned into flocks (including F ) of cones which are isomorphic to C.

14 14 Can we do with less? Over some infinite fields maximal partial flocks of quadratic cones exist. We can use them in a transitive parallelism of the quadratic cone.

15 15 More General Cones The argument that provided the parallelism did not depend on the nature of the cone, only the connection with spreads. Flocks of certain non-quadratic cones, called flokki, also give rise to spreads (Kantor-Penttila), so we may use the same technique to produce parallelisms of flokki.

16 16 An unashamed plug! Coming on 17 June 2010 CRC Press

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