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Published byNathaniel Bates Modified over 9 years ago
Population Ecology Goal of Population Ecology is to Describe the Composition of Populations Through Time and Understand Population Fluctuations Number of Animals Year
Describing Population Composition
Sex Ratio Age Ratio Genetic Composition Spatial Structuring
Sex Ratio Indicates Important Processes in Population
Population growth potential--greater male bias = less growth ability (sexual species) Breeding System Dispersal (Data from Marzluff and Balda 1992) Sex Ratio (Males:Females) in Flock of Pinyon Jays
Age Pyramids Summarize Age Structure
Differ for Increasing, Steady, and Declining Populations Indicate Bad Years, Bottlenecks in Reproduction, etc. Proportion in each age class Increasing Population Stable Population Declining Population
Pinyon Jays Were Studied for 20 Years
Long-term studies of marked animals are needed to get accurate population growth and composition information.
Age Structure Reflects Relative Productivity of Cohorts
Young (cohort) from productive years constitute large proportion of population for many years (1977, 1978) A poor year of reproduction continues to be echoed in population as a missing cohort (1976) 300 1978 1977 Number of Jays in Flock 1976 50 YEAR (Marzluff & Balda 1992)
Importance of Indirect and Direct Selection Depends on Genetic Composition of Population
Number of Relatives in Flock Age of Focal Individual (Marzluff & Balda 1992)
Describing Change in Population Size
Managers are usually concerned with monitoring population SIZE---So, How do WE Quantify CHANGE in Population Size?? (Lack 1966) Density of Great Tits in 4 Areas Year
Population size and rates of growth
Nt = population size at time t Nt+1 = population size at time t+1 Nt+1 = Nt + Births + Immigration – Deaths -Emigration Growth rates: r = exponential growth rate λ (‘lambda’) = intrinsic population growth rate 4
Population growth “BIDE” Reproduction, births, natality (B)
Immigration (I) Emigration (E) Population Mortality, death (D) “BIDE” 4
Age-specific birth rates
A fecundity schedule for Chamois from New Zealand. Age (yrs) N # Female births per pregnant female _____________________________________________ > ___________________________________________
Survivorship curves for male & female moose on Isle Royale
females Survivors (lx) males Age at Death (years)
Emigration and Immigration
Juvenile dispersal: movement from place of birth to place of breeding Breeding dispersal: movement by adults from one place of breeding to another Birds: Female dispersing sex Mammals: Male dispersing sex
American Robin post-fledging movements
From same site, larger scale, most mobile species
Population Growth k Carrying capacity (k) Exponential N N Logistic
time time Classic growth curve, unlimited resources Classic growth curve, limited resources (k) 6
The Simplest Quantification of Population Growth Assumes Exponential Growth
Nt=N0ert-----let t = 1 year N1=N0er er=N1/N0===Lambda, Finite rate of Increase Lambda goes from 0 (extinction) to 1 (stable growth) to positive infinity (Exponential growth of various magnitude)
Exponent Indicates the Magnitude of Change
er=N2/N1---Take ln (natural log, loge) of both sides to get: r = ln(N2/N1) varies from negative infinity (decrease) to 0 (Stable) to positive infinity (increase) r, the exponential multiplier, = Intrinsic (instantaneous) rate of increase
Exponents provide consistent quantification of magnitude of change
Doubling and halving of population produces same exponent multiplier of change----sign of multiplier changes N1=50 ---N2=100--doubling er = (lamda) = 100/50 = 2 r = ln (2) = .693 N1=100--N2=50---halving er = (lamda) = 50/100 = 0.5 r = ln (0.5) = -.693
Units of r and lambda Units of lambda are obvious
numbers per unit time restricted to the unit it was calculated over t = 1 year, then rate is change per year Units of r not obvious it is a multiplier, not a rate “growth multiplier of ln(#s) per unit time” not restricted to unit it was calculated over r from 1 year can be transformed to r for each day by dividing by 365, etc.
Lambda and r Both present the same information in varying formats
Population increases at lambda per unit time or r at any instant in time r is useful because it can be transformed to fit time interval of interest, lambda is more intuitive
Unlimited Growth Australian rabbit (European hare)
1859: 24 hares introduced (for human food?) 1865: over 20,000 hares were harvested, actual population much greater. Mid-1800’s to mid-1900’s: major problem with too many hares; caused habitat destruction and reduction in native mammals 2000: still present, local problems 8
Carrying capacity Rabbits exceeded k No rabbits Rabbit-proof fence
Carrying capacity Carrying capacity (k): the number of organisms that can be supported by a given area; the actual number of organisms fluctuates near this # of Animals (N) k time
Adding A Limit to Population Growth
More Realistic than Exponential Growth Growth is adjusted as population approaches carrying capacity (K) of the environment Population growth simply stops at K Population crashes after resource is consumed Population growth is under negative feedback as it approaches K and gradually reaches K
Population Growth is Gradually Reduced as Carrying Capacity is Reached; Resources Renew Independently of Population Size Inflection Point Logistic Growth simple favorite in wildlife management Rate of Increase is only a function of Population Density Assumes resources are not damaged by large populations Wildebeast don’t affect grass roots K #s Ln (#s) Time
Logistic Math Verhulst (1838) and Pearl & Reed (1920) independently derived equation Verhulst-Pearl Equation (Sigmoidal Growth) dN/dt = derivative form of change in N with respect to time dN/dt = rmN(1-N/K) dN/dt = rmN = exponential growth As N approaches K, N/K approaches 1. Therefore rmN(1- N/K) approaches 0
With K and Typical Seasonal Patterns of Reproduction, There is Often A “Doomed Surplus”
Mink control distribution of muskrats those in poor sites including dispersers are eaten Predators often take the young, homeless, sick, injured, dispersing, or old individuals so effect on species or community is less Good Sites Poor Sites High Pops Density of Muskrats Low Pops Deep Water Dry Upland (Errington 1946)
Logistic Growth Model May be Used to Calculate Harvest
Maximum Sustainable Yield is at Inflection Point Growth is Maximum and Population is at Largest Size Larger Populations Start to Have Slower Growth K Maximum Yield =1/2 K #s Ln (#s) Time
Another View of Logistic Growth
Inflection Point Max Sustainable Yield Growth rate starts slow, peaks, and ends slow Maximum Sustainable Yield is at rate of fastest population growth dN/dt K N
Assumptions of Logistic Growth
All individuals contribute equally to population growth--equal reproduction regardless of age or sex Growth rate is constant regardless of environmental variation K is constant--not affected by growth Reduction in growth as population approaches K is linear and instantaneous (no time lags)
Populations fluctuate due to
Density dependent factors Ex: Predation, competition, habitat availability change population growth in predictable ways N is driven by population density Density independent factors Random or Stochastic events Ex. Weather, accidents Breeding Improve definition of deterministic Today we will focus on deterministic factors Stochastic events happen all the time. Scary with small population 14 aug 2007
Reindeer (caribou) # young produced Bighorn sheep Population density (top) or size (bottom)
Population regulation: food
High food addition Low food addition Townsend’s vole No food added Shaded area is winter
Population regulation: food
Population cycles: Ex. peaks in lynx populations show time lag behind peaks in snowshoe hare populations Snowshoe hare Population size Lynx Time (years) 10
Population regulation: climate
Population regulation: competition
Competition – demand by 2 or more individuals of the same or different species for a common resource Between 2 individuals of same species: Intraspecific Between 2 individuals of different species: Interspecific Limited supply of resource: Exploitation Not limited but interaction detrimental: Interference
Inter- or Intraspecific competition
Inter- or Intraspecific competition? Exploitation or Interference competition?
Population regulation: competition
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