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by Adam Hardie THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT TALKING POINT ‘The ecumenical dialogue is today anything but the speciality of a few starry- eyed peaceniks. For.

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Presentation on theme: "by Adam Hardie THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT TALKING POINT ‘The ecumenical dialogue is today anything but the speciality of a few starry- eyed peaceniks. For."— Presentation transcript:



3 TALKING POINT ‘The ecumenical dialogue is today anything but the speciality of a few starry- eyed peaceniks. For the first time in history it has now taken on the character of an urgent desire for world politics. It can help to make our earth more liveable, by making it more peaceful and reconciled.’ (Hans Kung, Christianity and the World Religions, Collins 1987)

4 INTRODUCTION 1) What is Ecumenicalism? 2) Ecumenical Groups 3) Community Goals 4) Recap 5) Homework

5 God so loved THE WORLD that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ

6 Divisions amongst Christians hindered the Churches’ efforts to spread the gospel throughout the world Effort has increased to help heal divisions and conflicts throughout the Christian Church to bring about one flock under one shepherd

7 I have other sheep that are not of this fold, I must bring them also ….So there will be one flock, one shepherd (Jn. 10:16)

8 Ecumenical Structure

9 The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) The World Council of Churches The Pan-Orthodox Conference Christian Communities

10 First half of 20th CE Roman Catholics saw themselves as the true Church and believed other Christians as being separate from God’s Church Second Vatican (1962-65) changed their attitudes towards Christians by strengthening their relationships inspite of the controversial theological areas (Pope’s authority. Women ordination, Eucharist)

11 Anglicans Baptists Pentecostals Presbyterians Methodists Lutherans Greek Orthodox

12 MISSION To pray for and pursue the visible unity of Christ’s Church - “in one faith and in one Eucharist fellowship,expres- sed in worship and in one common life in Christ through witness and service to the world MEMBERS About 400 million Christians represented through more than 340 Churches, denominations and fellowships in 120 countries and territories throughout the world Every tribe and nation

13 The Conferences were set up by the Orthodox Church in 1961 as its main aim in helping to promote unity with all Non-Orthodox Christians

14 Iona is an island on the west coast of Scotland. This Christian community was founded by the Reverend George Macleod in 1938. He founded a community where people from all walks of life could work, worship and live together to be more relevant to the world. Today the Community remains committed to: rebuilding the common life, through working for social and political change, striving for the renewal of the church and exploring new more inclusive approaches to worship, within Ecumenicalism.

15 Sign and Symbol for Protestants and Catholics to live and work together Support victims of violence and injustice

16 ‘It’s no good saying Christ’s teachings are not valid in the world. The fact is they are not valid because the Church has never had the courage to put them into practice.’

17 A group of amputees- victims of land mines

18 End This War

19 Renews its commitment to Church unity Renews its commitment to mission and evangelism Renews its commitment to justice and peace Renews its life, with all its risks and joys

20 KEY WORDS Ecumenicalism World Council of Churches Pan- Orthodox Conference Second Vatican Council Communities unity amongst Christians promotes united action throughout the world discussions for Church unity with Non-Orthodox mutual understanding be- tween Christians/Catholics reflection and reconciliation

21 Do a research paper including pictures, quotes, and statistics on either the Iona Community or Corrymeela Community (300-350 words). Include the ff: 1) Founding members, 2) purpose of its beginnings, 3) Present ministry, 4) How do you feel about its role within the overall goal of the Ecumenical movement?

22 Beginning of the Ecumenical Movement Ministry Goals Different Organisations Involved Community Projects (Iona, Corrymeela) ---------------------------------------------------- HOMEWORK (300-350 words)

23 The End

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