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The Land of Israel The Jewish Connection to the Land The Creation of Modern Israel Modern Israeli Society Israeli Democracy The People of Israel.

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2 The Land of Israel The Jewish Connection to the Land The Creation of Modern Israel Modern Israeli Society Israeli Democracy The People of Israel


4 USA 463 times the size of Israel

5 2000 BCE Today The Jewish Connection to Israel vs. the Others CE USA established Islam Christianity Judaism








13 What is so unique about Israel’s 1967 Six-Day War? Israel defeats 3 Arab armies in 6 days Jerusalem liberated Jews flock to Western Wall Sinai, Golan, Judea/Samaria

14 With all this conflict, Israelis must be miserable, right? Percentage of adults reporting to be “very satisfied” with their lives: 31% of Europeans58% of Americans 82% of Israelis US & Europe stats: Israel data from the Jerusalem Post, Nov. 6, 2006

15 Peace with Jordan, 1994 Camp David Summit, 2000 Road Map for Peace, 2002 Withdrawal from Gaza, 2005 Peace Treaty with Egypt, 1976 Oslo Accords, 1993

16 Highest number of companies listed on Wall Street after USA and Canada

17 Humanitarian Aid Throughout the World Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, USA When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, Magen David Adom began the “United Brotherhood Operation,” which sent a plane-load of supplies and financial assistance. IsraAid sent a delegation of medical personnel, psychologists, and experienced search-and-rescue divers. Universities in Israel invited displaced American students to continue their studies in Israel. Indian Ocean Tsunamis Southeast Asia The Israeli government sent $100,000 worth of supplies to each country affected by the tsunamis. In addition, an Israeli medical team was dispatched to Sri Lanka, and 150 IDF doctors and rescue and relief teams were mobilized for the region with medicine, food, water, blankets, tents, and power generators. Search and rescue teams from the Home Front Command were offered, and the Israeli Ministry of Health was dispatched to Thailand for medical aid. Body identifiers from ZAKA and the Israeli police were also sent.

18 State Building: Tel Aviv (~1900)

19 Tel Aviv today


21 Wha is so unique aboutWha is so unique about Israel’s 1967Six-Day WAr?Israel’s 1967Six-Day WAr? Israel defeats 3 Arab armies in 6 daysIsrael defeats 3 Arab armies in 6 days J e r u s a l e l i b e r a t e d J e w s f l o c k t o W e s t e r n W a l l S i n a i, G o l a n, J u d e a / S a m a r i a

22 Th People at a GlanceTh People at a Glance Th People at a GlanceTh People at a Glance 6. 3 5 m i l l i o n I s r a e l i c i t i z e n s 8 0 % a r e J e w s 2 0 % a r e m i n o r i t i e s 8 0 % o f m i n o r i t i e s a r e M u s l i m 2 0 % a r e n o n - M u s l i m : D r u z e, C h r i s t i a n s

23 “In Israel in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.” David Ben Gurion, 1956

24 Israel


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