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Presentation on theme: "Max BY: JAMES PATTERSON PUBLISHED BY: Little, Brown and company YEAR PUBLISHED: 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Max BY: JAMES PATTERSON PUBLISHED BY: Little, Brown and company YEAR PUBLISHED: 2009

2 The book MAX is about six kids: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel who have the ability to fly after being experimented on by scientists.Max’s mother has been taken unexpectedly and Max and the flock must go and save her, but have many trials to go through before they are able to.

3 Protagonist :Max Max is the leader of the flock. She is strong minded, smart and prepared for almost anything except the disappearance of her mother, and,since she absolutely despises tight spaces, a submarine. Antagonist: Mr.Chu Mr.Chu is a evil asian businessman who is only concerned with destroying Max and kidnaps her mother just to try and weaken Max. He has created robots to hunt and destroy Max before she finds out his largest secret.

4 The main problem of Max, is that her mother has been kidnapped and Max is being hunted down by Mr.Chu.She is attacked by his robot creations,and her other problem is an internal conflict. She is in love with Fang but is confused by how he feels and she feels terrible about her mom. Possible solution: Max is very strong and ignorant. She is able to ignore most feelings, and is very convincing. She can destroy many things, and the flock is always there for her.

5 Fang: Fang is Max’s right wing man and boy friend. He is always there for her when she needs him most.

6 Dr. Martinez : Dr. Martinez is Max’s mother. She was captured by Mr.Chu and tortured,until Max saves her. She is a huge part of Max’s life, a veterinarian, and an activist for saving the world.

7 Angel: Angel is the youngest of the flock at only six years old. She can read minds, breathe underwater and talk to animals. She makes Max’s job hard by always doing what she wants. Gazzy : Gazzy,or the gasman, is eight years old and gets his name from his unnatural powers of external body gases. He can also imitate any voice. He is very good with explosives and also makes Max’s job as leader difficult.

8 Nudge: Nudge is an eleven year old girl with style. She’s really good at hacking computers and helps Max a lot by being the flock’s peacekeeper. Iggy: Iggy is fourteen like Max and Fang and is the only member of the flock that is blind. He can feel certain colors and is Gazzy’s partner with explosives.

9 "I just really like this series. Mostly because I like Max. I'm forty ‐ seven, and I want to be Max. How many teenagers must want to be Max? Max is the Superman of the decade." -Brenda Cooper, A Space For Tea (blog) ‘’My friend recommended this book to me because she said the author was great. Once I started I became addicted and now have read all of them before her!’’ james-patterson/ james-patterson/

10 Max is an amazing read! There’s action and adventure at every corner ! I loved reading this, I couldn’t put the book down. The unexpected would always happen and I congratulate James patterson on this spectacular book. I loved how each character seemed real and they were all so different.

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