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9.2 Singular and Plural Nouns Objective: -To recognize and spell correctly various singular and plural nouns -To identify collective nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "9.2 Singular and Plural Nouns Objective: -To recognize and spell correctly various singular and plural nouns -To identify collective nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.2 Singular and Plural Nouns Objective: -To recognize and spell correctly various singular and plural nouns -To identify collective nouns

2 Singular and Plural Nouns Singular Noun- names one person, place, thing, or idea. Plural Noun- names more than one person, place, thing, or idea.

3 Forming Plural Nouns 1. Nouns ending in s, ss, zz, ch, sh, or x: - Add es bus …………………...buses buzz……………..…..buzzes box…………………….boxes church………………churches

4 2. Nouns ending in o and preceded by a vowel: (a vowel comes before the o) -Add s cameo…………………cameos studio…………………studios stereo………………….stereos

5 3. Nouns ending in o and preceded by a consonant: (a consonant comes before the o) -Add es hero……………..heroes potato………….potatoes echo…………….echoes Exceptions: zero……..zeros photo… piano……pianos

6 4. Nouns ending in y and preceded by a vowel: (a vowel comes before the y) -Add s day……………….days donkey………….donkeys turkey……………turkeys

7 5. Nouns ending in y and preceded by a consonant: (a consonant comes before the y) -Change y to i and add es city…………….cities dairy…………..dairies penny…………pennies

8 6. Nouns ending in f or fe -Change the f to v and add es leaf………………leaves life………………lives half……………..halves Exceptions: roof…………….roofs chief……………chiefs belief…………beliefs

9 7. Some irregular nouns Deer Ox Goose Tooth

10 Collective Nouns Names a group that is made up of individuals. Examples: committee family team staff class jury club swarm flock group

11 The basketball team plays tomorrow. A flock of geese walk by the pond. The school of fish swim by.

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