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Unit 4CJournal11/4 Land arthropods like spiders and insects have a stercoral pocket and/or malpighian tubules. What is the function of these organs and.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4CJournal11/4 Land arthropods like spiders and insects have a stercoral pocket and/or malpighian tubules. What is the function of these organs and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 4CJournal11/4 Land arthropods like spiders and insects have a stercoral pocket and/or malpighian tubules. What is the function of these organs and why are they so important for land arthropods?

3 JOURNAL Joe says that all spiders are bad. Convince him that they are actually good using information you’ve learned in this unit.


5 Millipedes vs. Centipedes 1.millipedes 2.2 pairs legs/segment 3.11-100 body segments 4.round bodies 5.Habitat- moist areas 6.Diet- herbivores 7.Defense- a.Roll into a ball b.Produce hydrogen cyanide repellant Class Chilopoda 1.Centipedes 2.1 pair legs/segment 3.About 15 body segments 4.Flat bodies 5.Habitat- moist areas 6.Diet- carnivores 7.Defense- a.Venomous maxilliped b.Bite feels like waspsting Class Diplopoda

6 Class Hexapoda Insects

7 General Body Structure 1.Three body regions a. Head b. Thorax c. Abdomen 2.One pair antennae 3.Six legs

8 Digestion/Feeding 1.Having different mouthparts reduces food competition among different species. 2.This is probably why insects are such a successful group of organisms. 3.Types:  Chewing- mandibles (grasshopper & most beetles)

9 Digestion/Feeding  Siphoning- tube for sucking (butterfly)  Piercing & sucking- cut thru skin or plants (mosquito, assassin bug)  Sponging- absorbing food (fly)

10 Excretion 1.Malpighian tubules- dump wastes into intestine. 2.Waste- uric acid crystals to prevent water loss.

11 Circulation 1.Open 2.Has heart that pumps blood into the hemocoel (body cavity) and ostia suck blood back up 3.Not used in gas exchange 4.Distributes nutrients, hormones, pheromones.

12 Respiration 1.Spiracles- holes in body thru which air enters 2.Tracheal tubes- extend length of body for distribution & exchange of gases.

13 Thermoregulation 1.Thermoregulation- control of body temperature 2.Ectothermic- organisms that cannot control their own body temperature 3.Bodies must warm up before able to fly.

14 Nervous/Sensory System 1.Compound eyes a.Some images b.Color (UV light) c.Shape d.Movement 2.Some have simple eyes- ocelli

15 What it actually sees… What an insect is looking at… Compound eye under the microscope.

16 Nervous/Sensory System 1.Some can detect odors- flies, bees 2.Tympanic membrane- a.Amplify or detect sound b.Located on legs or abdomen 3.Setae- hairs on legs, body, antennae a.Movement b.vibrations

17 Reproduction 1.Dioecious 2.Controlled by a.Population density b.Temperature c.Seasons d.Pheromones e.Auditory signals

18 3. Females may use ovipositer to deposit eggs in soil, tree, leaf, etc.

19 External Anatomy of insect 1.Abdomen 2.Thorax 3.Head 4.Mandible 5.Antennae 6.Compound eye 7.Hemi-elytra (partial outer wing) 8.Hind wing (for flight) 9.Abdominal spiracles 10.Jumping leg 11.Tympanic membrane 12.Thoracic spiracles 13.Pronotum- covers thorax 14.Ovipositor 14

20 Elytra- forwing Hindwing- flight Beetles have hard outer wing- elytra- that protects membranous hindwing- for flight



23 1.The structure responsible for excretion in crayfish is a. Kidneyb. Green glandc. cheliped 2.The pincers used for food capture & defense are called a. Pleopodsb. Chelipedsc. tweezers 3.The large finger-like structures around the mouth that are used for tasting & food handling are a. Maxillipedsb. Mandiblesc. telson 4.Which organism does not belong to class Arachnida? a. Scorpionb. Horseshoe crabc. tick 5.The enlarged finger-like structures around the mouth of the spider which can hold sperm in male spiders are called a.Pedipalpsb. Spinneretsc. Abdomen 6.The egg-laying appendage of female grasshoppers is called the a.Spiracleb. Tympanic membranesc. ovipostor 7.Hearing and sound amplification in an insect is accomplished using a.Spiraclesb. Tympanic membranesc. ovipositor 8.The breathing holes in the skin of the hissing cockroach are also used for defense and are called a.Tracheab. Book lungsc. spiracles

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