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By Mrs. Olmsted’s, Mrs. Tschopp’s and Mrs. Neve’s First Grade Class.

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Presentation on theme: "By Mrs. Olmsted’s, Mrs. Tschopp’s and Mrs. Neve’s First Grade Class."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Mrs. Olmsted’s, Mrs. Tschopp’s and Mrs. Neve’s First Grade Class

3 The Chameleon belongs to the reptile class. The Chameleon is a carnivore. A carnivore eats meat. The Chameleon is covered with rough skin. By: Julia

4 The Fritillary Butterfly belongs to the insect class. The Fritillary Butterfly lives in grasslands. The Fritillary Butterfly flies. By: Jasmine

5 The Fly belongs to the insect class. The Fly lives in all environments. The Fly is an omnivore. An omnivore is a plant eater and a meat eater. By: Roman

6 The Koala belongs to the mammal class. The Koala is a herbivore. A herbivore is a plant eater. The Koala is covered with fur. By: Alexa

7 The Fire-Bellied Toad belongs to the amphibian class. The Fire-Bellied Toad is a carnivore. A carnivore is a meat eater. The Fire-Bellied Toad lives in an aquatic environment. By: Landon

8 The African Elephant belongs to the mammal class. The African Elephant is a herbivore. A herbivore is a plant eater. The African Elephant lives in the grasslands. By: Alyssa

9 The Giraffe belongs to the mammal class. The giraffe is a herbivore. A herbivore is a plant eater. The giraffe walks. By: Olivia

10 The dragonfly belongs to the insect class. The dragonfly has an exoskeleton. The dragonfly lives in an aquatic environment. By: Abby

11 The Cardinal belongs to the bird class. The cardinal lives in the forest. The cardinal has feathers. By: Asia

12 The Morpho Butterfly belongs to the insect class. The Morpho Butterfly has an exoskeleton. The Morpho Butterfly lives in forests. By: Jaelen

13 The Alligator belongs to the reptile class. The Alligator lives in an aquatic environment. The Alligator is covered with scales. By: River

14 The Emerald Tree Boa belongs to the reptile class. The Emerald Tree Boa slithers. The Emerald Tree Boa lives in the forest. By: Robert

15 The Snowy Owl belongs to the bird class. The Snowy Owl is a carnivore. A carnivore is a meat eater. The Snowy Owl flies. By: Gabriel

16 The Great Horned Owl belongs to the bird class. The Great Horned Owl is covered with feathers. The Great Horned Owl flies. By: Sarah

17 The Caribou belongs to the mammal class. The Caribou lives in the forest and polar environments. The Caribou is covered with fur. By: Mackenzie

18 The Black Bear belongs to the mammal class. The Black Bear lives in the forest. The Black Bear is covered in fur. By: Edward

19 The Grass Spider belongs to the arachnid class. The Grass Spider lives in grasslands. The Grass Spider is a carnivore. A carnivore is a meat eater. By: Aiden

20 The Gavial belongs to the reptile class. The Gavial is covered with scales. The Gavial lives in an aquatic environment. By: Jaden

21 The Cobra belongs to the reptile class. The Cobra is a carnivore. A carnivore is a meat eater. The Cobra lives in the forest and the rainforest. By: Ajulo

22 The Flamingo belongs to the bird class. The Flamingo lives in an aquatic environment. The Flamingo is an omnivore. An omnivore is a plant and meat eater. By: Nick

23 The Arctic Fox belongs to the mammal class. The Arctic Fox lives in a polar environment. The Arctic Fox is a carnivore. A carnivore is a meat eater. By: Camden

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