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Elf Owl By Clarissa. Description Coloring: Size: Physical Characteristics: Source # 4 A Elf owl has a yellow to olive colored bill and a gray, brown body.

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Presentation on theme: "Elf Owl By Clarissa. Description Coloring: Size: Physical Characteristics: Source # 4 A Elf owl has a yellow to olive colored bill and a gray, brown body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elf Owl By Clarissa

2 Description Coloring: Size: Physical Characteristics: Source # 4 A Elf owl has a yellow to olive colored bill and a gray, brown body and yellow eyes With white eyebrow marks. The Elf owl is tiny it is 5 to 6 inches long. 1-1.4 ounces all so is the smallest owl in North America. A Elf owl has very big eyes and it has little feathers on its legs and talons. No ear tuffs. All cines of owls have 3 leas of eyeless one is for blinking two for sleeping three for cleaning and hunting.

3 Adaptations Physical Behavioral Source # 1,10 Owls has good hearing it is so good that it can hear the flapping Of a moth. The Elf owl has to be quiet in Order to cached its pray Owls can see well but they cannot move their eyes they Must move their heads and necks to see things but they can bend them else. Owls can feel the Vibrant of a anther animal non As pray. The Elf owl uses talons to catch pray but their talons are so good. The Elf owl could catch a insect with the talons. Owls uses its wings to fly instead of walking and it is much faster and ester.

4 Habitat Of The Elf Owl Describe their habitat here: Desert, lowlands and foothills, canyons, oak and Sycamore stands in North America. Source #16 North America South America Australia Asia Africa Europe Antarctica Atlantic ocean Arctic ocean Pacific ocean Indian ocean

5 Food Chain of the Owl Source #23 Sun Cactus Elf Owl catipillar All the entergy comes from the sun. It gives it to the cactus and the catipillar

6 Credits 16. Long, Kim. "Owls- A Wildlife Handbook." Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 1998. 23. Reid, Mary E. "Owls and Other Birds of Prey." Chicago, IL: World Book, Inc. 2002. 4. Duncan, Dr. James. "Owls of the World." Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2003. 1. Arnosky, Jim. "All About Owls." New York, NY:Scholastic, Inc., 1995. 10. Holmes, Kevin. "Owls." Mankato, MN: Bridgestone Books, 1998.

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