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Los Ángeles del Norte School Paola Andrea Chica

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Presentation on theme: "Los Ángeles del Norte School Paola Andrea Chica"— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Ángeles del Norte School Paola Andrea Chica

2 1.- How do we classify animals?
Insects and carnivores Vertebrates and invertebrates Mammals and birds

3 2.- How many different types of vertebrates are there?
Worms, mollusks and insects. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

4 3.- What do vertebrates have in common?
Have an internal skeleton Do not have an internal skeleton

5 4.- What are the dog skeleton parts?
Beak,comb, and wing Skull, spinal column ,leg bones, and ribs. Leg, tail and head

6 5.- Which of these animals are vertebrates ?
Elephant Ant Butterfly

7 6.- Which of these animals are invertebrates?
Horse Tiger worm

8 7.- How many different groups of invertebrates are there?
Worms, Mollusks, Insects. Fish, Birds, Reptiles.

9 8.- What animal can you see in picture number five ?
A starfish. A grasshopper

10 9.- The animals illustrated in the picture are vertebrates.

11 10.- The earthworm is a mollusk.

12 11.- What insect can you see in picture number two?
A fly A bee

13 12.- What colors are the insects in picture four and three ?
Black, yellow and Orange Purple, yellow and brown.

14 13.- What insects can fly? wasp, fly and butterfly.
starfish, wasp and fly.

15 14.- What is the body of an insect like?
Divided into three parts: the head, thorax and abdomen Divided into three parts: wings, thorax and head.

16 15.- How do animals classified by diet?
Hervibores, Omnivores and Carnivores Insects, Hervibores and Mammals

17 16.- What are the main organs of the digestive system of a bird ?
Ribs, heart and spinal column Crop, intestine, and stomach

18 17.- What does a lion eat ? plants Other animals

19 18.- What does a zebra eat ? Meat Plants

20 19.- Which is a carnivore ? The wolf The rabbit The ladybug

21 20.- Which is a herbivore ? A panther A cow

22 21.- What do you call animals that eat both meat and plants?
Hervibores Carnivores Omnivores

23 22.- What do you call animals that eat plants ?
Carnivores Hervibores Omnivores

24 23.- What do you call animals that eat other animals ?
Omnivores Herbivores Carnivores

25 24.- How do terrestrial animals breath?
Tracheae Lungs

26 25.- How do aquatic animals breath?
They breath in air. They breath underwater

27 26.- What are the main organs of the digestive system of a cat ?
Mouth, alimentary canal and anus Mouth, Stomach, liver,intestine and anus

28 27.- What are the organs of the dygestive system of a worm ?
Stomach, intestine and crop Mouth, alimentary canal and anus

29 28.- Click on the extinct vertebrate.

30 29.- Click on the jellyfish.

31 30.- Click on the squirrel.

32 Well done! You got the goal, if not try again you can do it one more time
Let’s do it again How did I do?

33 The end. My score, please

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