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Juan Gil Herrera Instituto Español de Oceanografía – C.O. de Cádiz DEEPFISHMAN Project / Case Study 3a: Fisheries for red (blackspot) seabream in the Strait.

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1 Juan Gil Herrera Instituto Español de Oceanografía – C.O. de Cádiz DEEPFISHMAN Project / Case Study 3a: Fisheries for red (blackspot) seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar (Sub-area IX) and the Bay of Biscay (Sub-area VIII and also VI and VII).

2 THE SPECIES Taxonomy: Superclass GNATHOSTOMATA Class ACTINOPTERYGII Subclass NEOPTTERYGII Division TELEOSTEI Subdivision EUTELOSTEI Superorder ACANTHOPTERYGII Order PERCIFORMES Family SPARIDAE Genus Pagellus (Valenciennes, 1830) VORAZ: Pagellus bogaraveo (Brünnich, 1768) Inshore waters above various types of bottom (rocks, sand, mud) to 400 m (Mediterranean) and 700 m (Atlantic); young near the coast, adults on the continental slope specially over muddy bottoms. Omnivorous, but feed mainly on crustaceans, mollusks, worms and small fish. Protandric hermaphrodites. Adults move towards the coast up to the edge of the continental shelf to spawn from January to June. Important foodfish: marketed mainly fresh. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic (Norway, Strait of Gibraltar to Cape Blanc in Mauritania, Madeira, Canary Islands) and western Mediterranean (rare beyond the Sicilian Strait).

3 STUDY AREA  Strait of Gibraltar: Artisanal longline fishery targeted red seabream has been developed along the Strait of Gibraltar area. Actually this fishery covers almost the 70 % of the landings for the species in the Subarea IX.  Bay of Biscay: Very important catches in the past. Currently the stock is seriously depleted and catches may be consider bycatch. 1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3334 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 -6.60-6.40-6.20-6.00-5.80-5.60-5.40-5.20-5.00-4.80-4.60 35.60 35.80 36.00 36.20 36.40 36.60 500 m Tarifa Cádiz Algeciras Gulf of Cádiz Alboran Sea SPAIN MOROCCO Tanger Tetuán Barbate 100 m 300 m 30 m 100 m 300 m 500 m 30 m 100 m 300 m 500 m 300 m 100 m 300 m Estepona Estrecho de Gibraltar Ceuta La Línea Fuengirola Conil

4 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR FISHERY (AND MARKETING)  Tarifa  Algeciras  Conil Main ports Commercial cat.  Burro  Tamaño  Mediano  Pequeño 850 a 1.300 grs. > 1.300 grs. 550 a 850 grs. 350 a 550 grs.

5 EUROPEAN AND LOCAL FRAME  ICES WGDEEP First analytical aseessment (VPA sep) in 2006 from the Strait of Gibraltar fishery data  EU Regulation Fishing effort [Reg. EC since 2002] Biannual TACs [Reg. EC since 2002]  Spanish and Andalusian Regulations for the Strait of Gibraltar fishery (Fishing plans since 1999) Fishing boat list Close season Minimum landing size (33 cm) Hook size and hooks number limitation

6 Historical development of the fisheries, including catches and fleet. - Almost the whole of this point are now available, from ICES WGDEEP Reports. Thus, these topics would be available when it needed (6 months in the proposal). Biological parameters of the target species with up to date description of the current knowledge of their life history pattern, stock structure and status. - Knowledge of the biological parameters and the life history are available in differents Research documents. This information must be compiled for the final report. - ICES Considerd 3 different component for this species, but this separation doesn´t pre- suppose 3 different stocks (?), only offers the better way to record the available information. - The next stock status information will be available in the 2010 ICES WGDEEP meeting.

7 Review of assessment method used so far. - The review of the assessment methods will be carried out in a benchmark assessment group next year, previous to the 2010 ICES WGDEEP meeting. Inventory of the fisheries, biological, biodiversity and socio-economic data currently available for management and monitoring purposes. - These data aren´t fully available and should be compiled by the Project. - Biodiversity data should be extracted from scientific surveys carried out in the areas. - The socio-economic data will be compile in colaboration with the Fishermen brotherhoods. These information will be limited and probably subject to a confidentiality restriction. - These information must be available for the case study final report (12 months in the proposal).

8 Review of known and likely impact of the fishery on deep-water biodiversity. - Difficult to address: only bycatch data. Review of current and historical management and monitoring procedures. SWOT (Strength and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and gap analysis of past and present scientific projects and data collection programmes in terms of fulfilling the data requirements for adequate management and monitoring regimes. The review must be available in the case study final report (12 months in the proposal).The rest of this point should be DEEPFISHMAN output (from several work packages).

9 TopicDataRed seabream, Strait of GibraltarRed seabream, Bay of Biscay History CatchR** (Since 1983 onwards)R** (1900-2008) EffortR* (Since 1983 onwards) and C** (VMS) C* FleetR** (Since 1999)C* Other Appendix 1: Data available for Case Study 3a TopicData Red seabream, Strait of Gibraltar Red seabream, Bay of Biscay Biology Life cycleR** B. parametersR**R* Stock structureR* (or NA?) Species ecol.R* (Feeding)R* Biodiversity BycatchR**C* BenthosNA (DEEPER?)NA VMEsNA Fishing impactsNA Ecosys. Funct.NA

10 TopicData Red seabream, Strait of Gibraltar Red seabream, Bay of Biscay Economy Fish pricesC** Fishing costsNA?NA InvestmentNA?NA Other Social Nb of companies C* On-board employ. C* Land based employ. NA?NA Other

11 TopicData Red seabream, Strait of Gibraltar Red seabream, Bay of Biscay Assess. Method and data Method usedR* Length distrR**NA Data/c_at_ageR* CPUEsR*C* Survey dataNAC* Others Management ProcedureC* RegulationC* Impact on fleetC* Other

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