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P. Tkalich, K.Y.H. Gin, and E.S. Chan Physical Oceanography Research Laboratory Tropical Marine Science Institute The National University of Singapore.

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Presentation on theme: "P. Tkalich, K.Y.H. Gin, and E.S. Chan Physical Oceanography Research Laboratory Tropical Marine Science Institute The National University of Singapore."— Presentation transcript:


2 P. Tkalich, K.Y.H. Gin, and E.S. Chan Physical Oceanography Research Laboratory Tropical Marine Science Institute The National University of Singapore TMSI

3 Oil Demand in Asia-Pacific

4 Global Movement of Oil in 199 5 oil refineries in Singapore waters have total capacity over 1 mil. barrels per day. (second largest refinery area in the world, after Houston, Texas) 5 oil refineries in Singapore waters have total capacity over 1 mil. barrels per day. (second largest refinery area in the world, after Houston, Texas) Malacca&Singapore Straits


6 Major Oil Spills

7 Money spent by Exxon Corporation subsequentto EVOS (in millions of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------ Immediate Costs (1989, 19990) Cleanup $2,000 Fisherman 300 Out-of-Court Settlement (1991-2001) Damage assesment 214 Habitat protection 375 Administrative costs 35 Research, monitoring and general restoration 180 Restoration reserve 108 Accumulated interest less Court fees 12 ------------------------------------ TOTAL $3,224 Civil Trial (1995) Compensation to fishermen $287 Punitive compensation (under appeal) 5000 Money spent by Exxon Corporation subsequentto EVOS (in millions of dollars) ------------------------------------------------------ Immediate Costs (1989, 19990) Cleanup $2,000 Fisherman 300 Out-of-Court Settlement (1991-2001) Damage assesment 214 Habitat protection 375 Administrative costs 35 Research, monitoring and general restoration 180 Restoration reserve 108 Accumulated interest less Court fees 12 ------------------------------------ TOTAL $3,224 Civil Trial (1995) Compensation to fishermen $287 Punitive compensation (under appeal) 5000

8 Evoikos spill


10 Oil Properties

11 tarballs evaporation oxidation photolysis emulsification dissolution hydrolysis biodegradation foodweb sedimentation Oil Fate wind gravitation inertia viscous interf.tension

12 Oil Kinetics


14 Oil Spill Simulation Models

15 14

16 Oil Slick Dynamics Navier-Stokes equations (gravity - viscosity regime)

17 16 General form of an explicit upstream finite-difference approximation i-2 i-1 l i r i+1


19 18 THIRD -DEGREE POLYNOMIAL: Leonard (1979) QUICKEST (III-order) auxiliary conditions: III Holly-Preissmann (1977) (IV-order)

20 19 i-2 i-1 l i r i+1 III-order QUICKEST (Leonard, 1979)

21 20

22 Oil Transfer at Media Interfaces oil slick  oil-in-water emulsion (due to wind - waves breaking) h zz hh wave breaking oil buoyancy  h=k w (1+S g )H  h=0.2 g -1 k w (1+S g )U 2 S g =  0 /  w U C e = Concentration of oil emulsion in the water column

23 Oil Kinetics h = Oil slick thickness on the water surface, m C e = Concentration of oil emulsion in the water column, g/m 3 C d = Concentration of dissolved oil in the water column, g/m 3 C p = Particulate oil concentration in the water column, g/kg C db = Concentration of dissolved oil in interstitial water in the bed sediments, g/m 3 C pb = Particulate oil concentration in the bed sediments, g/kg in slick in water column in bed sediments LOSSES: evaporation hydrolysis photolysis oxidation biodegradation

24 Transport of the oil phases in the water column C e = Concentration of oil emulsion in the water column, C d = Concentration of dissolved oil in the water column, C p = Particulate oil concentration in the water column,

25 Oil Transfer at Media Interfaces water column - bottom layer b water layer bed sediments zz exchange coefficients

26 Model Parameters

27 Comparison with data

28 27 Comparison with data

29 Oil Spill at Open Sea Channel 2-D test case 60 m 500 km U=7 m/s oil 28,000 T u=1 m/s L= surface fence

30 29 2D simulation. Oil slick thickness Dissolved oil concentration in pore water of bed sediments

31 30 2D simulation. Dissolved oil concentration in water column Emulsified oil concentration in water column

32 31

33 32 BOOM-SKIMMER SYSTEM : Boom opening = 100 m Maximum Skimming rate = 150 m 3 / hr Maximum operation at wave height =1 m Maximum effectiveness: (day light) = 80 % @ 5 m/s wind speed 60 % @ 10 m/s (night) = 50 % of day light values.

34 33 DISPERSANT APPLICATION : Dispersant : Arcochem D-609 Oil : Dispersant Ratio = 143 : 1 Maximum dispersant effectiveness = 80 % Lethal concentration (LC 50 ) for Zooplankton (Mysidopsis bahia) = 29 ppm (96 hrs exposure period) Spray width = 50 ft

35 3-D oil spill simulation at Singapore Straits

36 Surface currents at one instant of tidal cycle for the south-west monsoon

37 Day 0 Hypothetical oil spill ~ 28,000 T in Singapore Straits

38 Day 0.5

39 Day 1

40 Day 1.5

41 Day 2

42 Day 2.5

43 Day 3

44 Conclusions a a The three-dimensional multiphase oil spill model is developed to simulate the consequences of accidental oil releases in the Singapore Straits. a a The model is updated with a high-order numerical scheme for accurate simulation of the oil slick dynamics. a a MOSM is powered with the oil combating techniques evaluation sub-module. Test simulations show a good agreement with empirical data. a a The three-dimensional multiphase oil spill model is developed to simulate the consequences of accidental oil releases in the Singapore Straits. a a The model is updated with a high-order numerical scheme for accurate simulation of the oil slick dynamics. a a MOSM is powered with the oil combating techniques evaluation sub-module. Test simulations show a good agreement with empirical data.

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