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Athens & Sparta Player’s Aid CARD PHASE (At beginning of each Olympiad) Full deck shuffled and six cards dealt to each player Player 1 determined by: -

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Presentation on theme: "Athens & Sparta Player’s Aid CARD PHASE (At beginning of each Olympiad) Full deck shuffled and six cards dealt to each player Player 1 determined by: -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens & Sparta Player’s Aid CARD PHASE (At beginning of each Olympiad) Full deck shuffled and six cards dealt to each player Player 1 determined by: - Player who plays an event card, if both, then: - Highest MP # on card, if tied, then - Spartan player Player 1 resolves its event card (if any) and then performs Move Phase and Combat Phase followed by Player 2 Olympiad consists of 6 turns of Card Phase and Player 1 and 2’s Move and Combat Phases After Olympiad ends - check for Victory: 1. If Athens or Sparta are occupied by enemy block(s) 2. Either player controls cities worth 30+ BPs 3. Athens win at end of Olympiad 89 If no victory, perform Replacement Phase MOVE PHASE - For each MP on Player’s card, perform one of the following “Moves” (in any combination): Operation Move - For each MP spent, player may move one block up to its Move Rate (identified on block) Passable Hexes - May move through hex that was friendly, vacant or neutral at the beginning of the phase (ignoring stacking limits) Note: City besieged by friendly block is considered a friendly hex for Operation Movement Hexes with Enemy Hexes - Must stop and battle if enters a hex with enemy blocks (except for friendly besieging blocks) Impassable Hexsides – Ground troops may not move through hexside of mountains or water (unless pass or straight exists) Strait - Must stop when if strait is crossed; may not use strait containing an enemy ship block Neutral Cities - May move through but not stop on unless attacking or controlled Strategic Move - For each MP spent, player may move one block using either: March Move – ground block may move up to double their Move Rate but must terminate move in friendly hex; or Sea Move – ship or ground block may move from any Friendly port to any other Friendly port Sieges – Strategic Movement cannot move to/from/through siege hexes COMBAT PHASE - After movement is complete, active player conducts Combat Round(s) in each hex where opposing blocks exist Defender: For each block: accept Battle or Withdraw (walled city only) Conduct Two Rounds of Combat New Combat Accept Battle No Defender Defeated? Conduct Attrition for Active Player’s Blocks only 4+ for Attacker; 3+ for Defender in Full Siege 5+ for Defender in Half Siege Pass Continuing Siege Conduct Two Rounds of Combat Attack Yes Defender Defeated? Battle ends Attacker may Regroup Withdraw Attacker Retreats Calvary/Peltasts defenders each conduct 1 attack vs retreating ground troops Yes No Rules of Combat - In order of combat rating letter (ties go to defender), each block may fire or retreat each round - Naval Combat - When ships of both players involved, ships fight separate battle simultaneously Fire - roll dice equal to strength and hits are dice roll equal to combat rating number - Hits reduce the then strongest enemy block (owner chooses if ties) - Sieges - Calvary fight at B1 unless Sallying; - Ships fight at C1 unless Sallying; - Two hits required to cause one hit on besieged defending blocks Retreat - 2 troop blocks may retreat per clear hex; 1 troop block via other passable hex (mountains not passable) - Attackers - move to hex they came from (not containing enemy blocks); - Defenders - move to any adjacent hex not containing enemy blocks - Ships - must retreat to friendly port up to 4 hexes away (hexside limits ignored) Withdraw limits - Limit on blocks that can withdraw: 4 in major city; 2 in minor city. Extras must fight normal battle. Attacker Regroup - Attacker may move blocks (at hexside limits) to an adjacent friendly hex (including friendly siege but not unfought battles); Ships may move up to 4 hexes to friendly port Full Siege - siege occurring at: all non- port cities; all island cities; port city with both ground and naval attackers Half- Siege - siege occurring at port city by either ground or naval troops Active Player: Attack (Storm/Sally) or pass? Either player may Op Move blocks to assist Replacement Phase – Each player has BPs from cities controlled (not including besieged cities) spent as follows: Strengthen or place: Peltasts & Hoplites blocks at 1BP per step; Calvary & Ships at 2BP per step (ships only 1 for Sparta if in control of Miletus) Build limit of: 1 BP for minor cities; 2x major cities’ BPs; Besieged cities cannot receive replacements New blocks must be built in their home city (if enemy controlled, cannot be build); Reserves built in any friendly city Disbanding – blocks may be disbanded and rebuilt but remaining steps are foreited Terms: BP = Build Points (from cities) MP = Move Points (from cards) Special Cities/Blocks Hellespont (9.1) – If Sparta controls Abydos with ships, Athens must remove one block from Athens each of its turns Sicily/Syracuse (9.2) – Movement to/from via friendly Corcyra, Leucas, Cephallenia or Cyllene (may move & attack with ground blocks & ships); battles ongoing (no two round limit); Siege Attrition rolls made normally. If controlled by Athens, Spartans in Corinth make Siege Attrition roll of 5+ at end of each Spartan turn. Persia (9.3) – If Sparta controls Miletus and chooses Persian support: all Spartan ships cost 1 BP per step to reinforce but cannot count Miletus 2BP for victory purposes. If Athens regains control, Sparta cannot reclaim. Sparta can cross border while alliance exists; Athens can never cross the Persian border. Rebel Ships (9.4) – 4 Athen ships with star become Sparta ships if Sparta takes city of same name; revert to Athens if Athens regains control. Neutral Cities(9.5) - Neutral armies join player if city conquered by that player or attacked by other player For Player Assistance Only – Please see the latest Rules at for complete Delphi & Delos Hexes – No combat allowed; blocks from both players may move and stop in these Oracle hexes Terrain EffectStac k Blocks allowed to cross Hexside for attack/retreat purposes only Clear42 Strait (must stop if crossing) 42 (1 if attacking across) Passn/a1 Mountain20 RiversNo Effect Ships - Ships must end their move in a friendly port

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