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Russian marine research activities in the Arctic within IPY 2007/2008 - preliminary results since March 2007 Ivan Frolov, Vasily Smolyanitsky Arctic and.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian marine research activities in the Arctic within IPY 2007/2008 - preliminary results since March 2007 Ivan Frolov, Vasily Smolyanitsky Arctic and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian marine research activities in the Arctic within IPY 2007/2008 - preliminary results since March 2007 Ivan Frolov, Vasily Smolyanitsky Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

2 Climatic distribution of Arctic sea ice total concentration based on blended AARI (1933-1992) and USA NIC (1972-2004) ice charts 5% quantile median Estimation of sea ice total concentration for 12 October 2007 (AMSR-based, DTU algorithm)‏

3 Marine expeditions in the Arctic Ocean during 2007 within the IPY projects (registered at Eurasian IPY node)‏

4 Calendar of research activities in the Arctic Ocean within the IPY projects during 2007

5 List of Russian Federation research activities and RF participating institutions Physical oceanography, hydrochemistry and water dynamics: AARI, IO RAN, PINRO Processes of interaction within the «atmosphere — sea ice — sea surface layer»: AARI, IFA RAN, IOF RAN, CNII Krylova Sea ice and snow cover: AARI, NIERSC, IO RAN Vessel sea ice properties: AARI Marine geology: PMGRE, ВVNIIOkeangeologiya, RAS institute of geology Marine biology: ZIN RAN, AARI, IO RAN, MSU Surface geology: PMGRE, ВVNIIOkeangeologiya Surface biology: ZIN RAN, AARI

6 Russian Federation expeditions to the Arctic Ocean and boundary seas within the IPY projects in 2007 (expeditions with foreign participants are marked by green color)‏ Arctic 2007( «Akademik Fedorov») — complex research of Arctic Basin and boundary seas Arctic 2007 (a/i «Rossiya») — complex geological and oceanographic research of the Arctic Basin AARI Ice Camp — oceanographic research of the Arctic Basin North Pole drifting station - 35 — complex research of the Arctic Basin PALEX — complex research of the Arctic Basin AVLAP/ Nabos («Viktor Byinitsky») — oceanographic research of the northern parts of the East Siberian and Laptev Seas including installation of perminent buoy stations Barkalav / Transdrift («Ivan Petrov») — oceanographic research of the Barents, Kara, Laptev and East Siberian Seas including installation of perminent buoy stations Rusalka («Sever») — complex research in Chukcha Sea and Bering Strait including installation of permanent buoy stations «Mikhail Somov» — Complex research in the Barents and Kara Seas «Mstislav Keldysh» — geological research in the Barents and Kara Seas A-162-SH — oceanographic research in Grenfjord (Spitsbergen)‏ Fritjof Nansen — oceanographic research in the Barents and Kara Seas including installation of permanent buoy stations

7 Foreign (non Russian) expeditions to the Arctic Ocean and boundary seas within the IPY projects in 2007 registered at Eurasian node (expeditions with Russian participants are marked by blue color)‏ Oden (Sweden) — marine geophysic, geology and oceanographic research northward of Greenland Polarstern (Germany) — complex research in the Central Arctic Basin and Laptev Sea Merian (Germany) — complex research in the Fram Strait Svalbard (Norway) — oceanographic research in the western part of Fram Strait Lance (Norway) — oceanographic research in the Fram Strait and in the area of Spitsbergen waters Jan Majen (Norway) — oceanographic research in the Fram Strait Haakon Mosby (Norway) — oceanographic research in the Fram Strait and in the region of Spitsberben waters Okeania (Poland) — oceanographic research in the Barents Sea and in the region of Spitsbergen waters Tara (France) — complex research in the Central Arctic Basin (drifting vessel)

8 Panarctic sea ice drifting expedition - PALEX (11–26 April 2007) Participants of Palex expedition Map of expedition drift and locations of camps

9 Preliminary results of PALEX expedition

10 High-latitude Arctic expedition «Arctic 2007» (atomic icebreaker «Rossiya»)‏

11 Preliminary results of expedition «Arctic -2007» (atomic icebreaker «Rossiya»)‏ Investigation of geological — geophysical fields in the Central part of the Arctic Basin: Deep seismic sounding along the Lomonosov Ridge along the profile of ~ 600 km long. Sampling of bottom sediments (up to 10 m depth), 14 complex stations Oceanography: During the cruise within the the Arctic Basin, Kara, Laptev and East Siberian Seas 105 oceanographic stations were carried out including: 36 soundings made by sounder СТD (SBE19+) up to depth of 2700 meters. 2 daily stations were carried out with interval between soundings 4 and 6 hours; 16 stations were carried out with a help of helicopter; AARI Ice Camp (drifting research station) was deployed.

12 «AARI Ice Camp» Map of AARI Ice Camp drift during June 7 — August 22, 2007

13 Preliminary results of expedition «AARI Ice Camp» During the period of ice camp drift in the Arctic Ocean significant amount of oceanographic, sea ice, meteorological and other observations was carried out. In a total 76 oceanographic soundings were done. 47 hydro chemical samplings at various depths were taken with subsequent chemical analysis. Long series of ocean currents observations were gained at various depths using 2 acoustic Doppler profilers. Infrastructure of the closed «AARI Ice Camp» and its staff were used to organize the camp of the drifting research station «North Pole - 35»

14 Expedition «Arctic - 2007» (R/V «Akademik Fedorov»)‏

15 Oceanographic research during the expedition «Arctic-2007» 26 th cruise of R/V «Akademik Fedorov»

16 Oceanographic studies Deep water hydrological stations - 243 including: 96 shipborne CTD stations; 100 ХВТ – stations; 47 helicopter СTD stations from ice Hydrochemistry: Total quantity of samplings for: phosphate – 1346 silicate – 1346 oxygen – 1256 pH – 356 alkalinity – 347 summary phosphorus – 262 summary nitrogen – 262 nitrates – 262 nitrites – 262 ammonium nitrogen – 262 derived organic nitrogen and phosphorus – 262

17 Preliminary results of oceanographic studies Along with continuing process of Atlantic water layer warming, the process of increase of its thickness and upper boundary position is observed in the Arctic Ocean; Anomalous increase of water temperature within the layer from 2200-2500 up the bottom possibly due to geothermal causes, is observed within the bottom layer of deep Arctic Ocean regions (Amundsen Basin); Increase in Atlantic water layer temperature pays significant effect on hydrological and ice conditions in the boundary seas (Kara Sea) where these waters penetrate along the trenches crossing the land slope; Temperature of waters penetrated to Kara Sea along the St.Anna and Voronin trenches increased by 0.5 degree Celsium in 2007

18 Studies of sea ice and snow cover Morphological observations – 5 ice stations 210 measurement of ice and snow thickness; 5 ice samplings with subsequent measurements of temperature and salinity profile. Specialized ice observations: Continuous observations of sea ice parameters and ship movement properties with simultaneous TV-recording from the bridge; 8897 measurements of sea ice thickness using en-route TV imagery. Studies of sea ice thermal physics and radiative properties: 43 series of measurements of sea ice integral albedo; 16 measurements of snow cover temperature, density and texture profiles ; 2 series of snow cover thermal conductivity; 36 temperature profile measurements in melt ponds; 122 ice thickness profile measurements on the surface of melt ponds, snow cover depth and albedo; 5 sea ice samplings taken from the surface of melt ponds were described.

19 2. 3 vertical temperature and salinity profiles in melt ponds were measured at 3 stations on September 8th, 12 th and 21 th, 3 time series of temperature and salinity in melt ponds were measured at 3 stations on September 6th, 9 th and 20 th. 3. Morphological structure of melt pond was investigated at the station on September 8th, 2007. 4. During 3 stations measurements of spectral albedo for 12 melt ponds with different degree of snow coverage and general state of ice and snow cover were carried out; 10 cycles of measurements of penetration for incoming visible radiation and estimation of spectral albedo were carried out. Investigation of sea ice thermal physics and radiative properties 1. 2 sea ice samplings taken from the melt pond on September 6 th and 2 samplings taken from the sea ice without melt ponds on September 12 th,2007 were analysed

20 Points of marine geological studies during the 26 th cruise of R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in 2007 32 stations with bottom samplings were carried out

21 Observations of atmosphere gazes composition Carbon dioxide concentration in the sub-surface atmosphere layer in August — September 2007 Ozone concentration in the sub-surface atmosphere layer in August — September 2007

22 Monitoring of sea ice impact on vessel hull Duration of recording of tensor sensors on the vessel - 588 hours 43 min; Sample recording of dynamic vessel roll during her movement within the ice

23 Preliminary results of ornithological observations Within the expeditionary scientific program ornithological survey of the Franz-Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya archipelagos was carried out, including the regions of white gull habitat. 8 colonies were observed including 6 new. Unique data on species productivity in seasonal cycle were gained. Significant regional variability of productivity was traced. For the first time satellite sensors were installed on 8 birds in order to trace their migrations. New quantitative data on distribution of birds and mammals within the region of northern parts of Barents and Kara Seas and adjacent areas of Arctic Basin were gained including new information on ortithological fauna of the mentioned archipelagos.

24 Organization of the North Pole – 35 drifting station camp "NP-35" deployed on ice floe situated NE of Severnaya Zemlya archipelago at 81,3N and 103,5E Deployment was carried out from board R/V Akademik Fedorov with support of MSC atomic icebreaker “Rossiya”. In a total 343.9 tonnes of cargo were deployed on ice. NP-35 staff include 21 men including 7 persons from “AARI Ice Camp. The head of NP-35 is a very experienced oceanographer Alexey Visnevsky. The staff includes specialists in oceanography, meteorology, geophysics, aerology, hydrochemistry, hydrography and technical personnel. Broad scope of activities is planned for NP-35 with a help of additional oceanographic and geophysical equipment. In addition to standard meteorological observations, aerological set for twice daily sounding of atmosphere is installed. Instrumental studies of gazes exchange (methane, carbon dioxide) at the boundary of ocean – ice – atmosphere will be convened. Observations on ozone summary concentrations and its vertical profiles in the atmosphere surface layer with a help of balloon will be carried out. These observations will be supported by the only foreign participant at the station – Jurgen Grazer (AWI - Potsdam)‏

25 Drifting station “North Pole – 35” on the day of its opening (September 21st, 2007)‏

26 NP-35 drift since September 21 st, 2007 (see‏

27 Positions of drifting ITP-stations in the Arctic Basin on September 14th, 2007

28 Distribution of Roshydromet finances released in 2007 to support expeditionary and other IPY activities

29 Some statistics Foreign scientists participated in 7 Russian expeditions out of 12 Russian scientists participated in 4 foreign marine expeditions out of 9 (registered at Eurasian node) Representatives from 15 Russian and 8 foreign institutions participated in Russian marine studies More than 900 men participated in the Arctic research including approximately 500 scientists

30 Vital problems 1. Access to data of expeditionary investigations and exchange of information about the IPY activities (on national and international levels)‏ 2. Financial support for IPY activities 3. Technical policy in the field of marine investigations and the strategy of development of national technical base

31 Thank you for attention ! Presentation was prepared jointly with Russian IPY science and information center and IPY sub-office for Eurasian Arctic (EASO -‏

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